6 votes

Announcing Headstamp Publishing's new Kickstarter book | Pistols of the Warlords: Chinese domestic handguns, 1911 - 1949


  1. [2]
    Related links: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/headstamp/pistols-of-the-warlords (Already met its first goal barely an hour after the announcement!)...

    Related links:
    (Already met its first goal barely an hour after the announcement!)


    paging fellow gun nerds, @AugustusFerdinand and @spit-evil-olive-tips

    4 votes
    1. AugustusFerdinand
      Link Parent
      How dare you! I got the email about the new campaign first thing this morning and watched the video during breakfast. All praise Gun Jesus!

      How dare you!

      I got the email about the new campaign first thing this morning and watched the video during breakfast. All praise Gun Jesus!

      1 vote
  2. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Update video, since they already blasted past most of their initial stretch goals: Pistols of the Warlords: Stretch Goals Update! (also add-ons and book dimensions) Update #2 after surpassing...
    2 votes