16 votes

Day 7: No Space Left On Device

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/7

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. tjf
    Here is my Python solution. A hacky use of the os.path module came in handy. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/env pypy3 import os.path import re import sys SIZE_BOUND = 100000 def main(): dirsizes = {} cwd = '/'...

    Here is my Python solution. A hacky use of the os.path module
    came in handy.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    import os.path
    import re
    import sys
    SIZE_BOUND = 100000
    def main():
        dirsizes = {}
        cwd = '/'
        for line in sys.stdin:
            if m := re.match(r'^\$ cd \.\.$', line):
                cwd, _ = os.path.split(cwd)
            elif m := re.match(r'^\$ cd (\S+)$', line):
                cwd = os.path.join(cwd, m.group(1))
                dirsizes[cwd] = 0
            elif m := re.match(r'^([0-9]+) (\S+)$', line):
                size = int(m.group(1))
                for d in filter(cwd.startswith, dirsizes):
                    dirsizes[d] += size
        print(sum(v for v in dirsizes.values() if v <= SIZE_BOUND))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/env pypy3
    import os.path
    import re
    import sys
    SIZE_DISK = 70000000
    SIZE_NEED = 30000000
    def main():
        dirsizes = {}
        cwd = '/'
        for line in sys.stdin:
            if m := re.match(r'^\$ cd \.\.$', line):
                cwd, _ = os.path.split(cwd)
            elif m := re.match(r'^\$ cd (\S+)$', line):
                cwd = os.path.join(cwd, m.group(1))
                dirsizes[cwd] = 0
            elif m := re.match(r'^([0-9]+) (\S+)$', line):
                size = int(m.group(1))
                for d in filter(cwd.startswith, dirsizes):
                    dirsizes[d] += size
        size_to_delete = SIZE_NEED - (SIZE_DISK - dirsizes['/'])
        print(min(v for v in dirsizes.values() if v >= size_to_delete))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    6 votes
  2. Crestwave
    The aimless trawling in the input file is quite relatable—almost looks like my .bash_history at times! This was a fun one. There doesn't seem to be any trickery like repeated ls invocations in the...

    The aimless trawling in the input file is quite relatable—almost looks like my .bash_history at times!

    This was a fun one. There doesn't seem to be any trickery like repeated ls invocations in the same directory, so I took quite a few shortcuts in parsing. :P

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    /cd \// {
    	p = 0
    	s[p] = $3
    /cd [a-z]/ { s[++p] = $3 }
    /cd \.\./ { delete s[p--] }
    /^[0-9]/ {
    	str = ""
    	for (i = 0; i <= p; ++i) {
    		str = str "/" s[i]
    		a[str] += $1
    END {
    	for (i in a)
    		if (a[i] <= 100000)
    			sum += a[i]
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    /cd \// {
    	p = 0
    	s[p] = $3
    /cd [a-z]/ { s[++p] = $3 }
    /cd \.\./ { delete s[p--] }
    /^[0-9]/ {
    	str = ""
    	for (i = 0; i <= p; ++i) {
    		str = str "/" s[i]
    		a[str] += $1
    END {
    	target = 30000000 - (70000000 - a["//"])
    	min = a["//"]
    	for (i in a)
    		if (a[i] >= target && a[i] < min)
    			min = a[i]
    4 votes
  3. spit-evil-olive-tips
    part 1 really fun, first one that felt like a legit challenge. tricky part of parsing is that you have two "modes" of consuming lines, one looking for cd and ls commands and one for consuming ls...
    part 1

    really fun, first one that felt like a legit challenge.

    tricky part of parsing is that you have two "modes" of consuming lines, one looking for cd and ls commands and one for consuming ls output. I solved that by treating the lines as a queue rather than just iterating them in a foreach loop, and having a 2nd nested loop to consume ls output from the line queue. important subtlety here is when you encounter the first non-matching line, to make sure to put it back into its place at the front of the queue (the appendleft call).

    for computing the total sizes I implemented a "normal" recursive algorithm; for finding directories matching what the problem wanted I did the "recursive algorithm as an iterative loop" trick. if you're not very comfortable with recursion it can be useful to study both approaches, because every recursive algorithm can be implemented non-recursively, and often the iterative implementation is easier to think about / debug.

    from collections import deque
    import re
    CD_RE = re.compile(r'\$ cd (.+)')
    LS_RE = re.compile(r'\$ ls')
    DIR_RE = re.compile(r'dir (.+)')
    FILE_RE = re.compile(r'(\d+) (.+)')
    class Directory:
    	def __init__(self, name, parent):
    		self.name = name
    		self.parent = parent
    		self.entries = {}
    		self.total_size = 0
    	def prettyprint(self, pad=''):
    		print(f'{pad}- {self.name} (dir, total_size={self.total_size})')
    		for name, entry in sorted(self.entries.items()):
    			child_padding = pad + '  '
    			if isinstance(entry, int):
    				print(f'{child_padding}- {name} (file, size={entry})')
    	def parse(lines):
    		root_dir = Directory(name='/', parent=None)
    		current_dir = root_dir
    		lines = deque(lines)
    		while lines:
    			line = lines.popleft()
    			cd_match = CD_RE.match(line)
    			ls_match = LS_RE.match(line)
    			if cd_match:
    				target = cd_match.group(1)
    				if target == '/':
    					current_dir = root_dir
    				elif target == '..':
    					current_dir = current_dir.parent
    					current_dir = current_dir.entries[target]
    			elif ls_match:
    				while lines:
    					line = lines.popleft()
    					dir_match = DIR_RE.match(line)
    					file_match = FILE_RE.match(line)
    					if dir_match:
    						name = dir_match.group(1)
    						new_dir = Directory(name=name, parent=current_dir)
    						current_dir.entries[name] = new_dir
    					elif file_match:
    						size, name = int(file_match.group(1)), file_match.group(2)
    						current_dir.entries[name] = size
    		return root_dir
    	def assign_total_sizes(self):
    		total = 0
    		for name, entry in self.entries.items():
    			if isinstance(entry, int):
    				total += entry
    				total += entry.total_size
    		self.total_size = total
    with open('07.txt') as input_file:
    	lines = input_file.readlines()
    root_directory = Directory.parse(lines)
    total = 0
    pending = deque()
    while pending:
    	item = pending.popleft()
    	if isinstance(item, Directory):
    		if item.total_size < 100000:
    			total += item.total_size

    for shits and giggles I also implemented a recursive prettyprint function that matches the output from the problem statement, and adds in the total computed size of each directory:

    - / (dir, total_size=48381165)
      - a (dir, total_size=94853)
        - e (dir, total_size=584)
          - i (file, size=584)
        - f (file, size=29116)
        - g (file, size=2557)
        - h.lst (file, size=62596)
      - b.txt (file, size=14848514)
      - c.dat (file, size=8504156)
      - d (dir, total_size=24933642)
        - d.ext (file, size=5626152)
        - d.log (file, size=8033020)
        - j (file, size=4060174)
        - k (file, size=7214296)
    part 2
    --- aoc07a.py   2022-12-06 22:05:34.232327237 -0800
    +++ aoc07b.py   2022-12-06 22:05:17.718218543 -0800
    @@ -81,7 +81,13 @@
    -total = 0
    +disk_size = 70_000_000
    +required_free_space = 30_000_000
    +target_disk_size = disk_size - required_free_space
    +to_be_deleted = root_directory.total_size - target_disk_size
    +best_directory = disk_size
     pending = deque()
    @@ -91,7 +97,7 @@
            if isinstance(item, Directory):
    -               if item.total_size < 100000:
    -                       total += item.total_size
    +               if to_be_deleted < item.total_size < best_directory:
    +                       best_directory = item.total_size
    3 votes
  4. Macil
    (edited )
    The challenges are getting more interesting now. I love these ones where we have to build up some kind of world representation, rather than just do arbitrary data/list transformations on the input...

    The challenges are getting more interesting now. I love these ones where we have to build up some kind of world representation, rather than just do arbitrary data/list transformations on the input lines.

    I'm using Github Copilot more, and it's amazing. I'm having fun figuring out how to best use it. I manually set up tests for the sample data, defined a few interfaces, wrote out the type declarations for some helper functions (parse(), translateParsedLinesToFilesystem() and calculateSizesOfAllDirectories()), and then Github Copilot implemented those functions fully. Because the sample data test cases were in the file, Copilot saw the data and was able to write code for parsing the sample data into the data structures I defined! I did have to make some corrections to the translateParsedLinesToFilesystem() function: in if-checks, it wrongly thought that my File and Directory interfaces had a type property. I realized it would be sensible to have them if someone / an AI reading the code assumed they would be there, and then I had to go through and add the type property to each spot a File or Directory object was created.

    Then I wrote the part1() and part2() functions manually. I just had to use the helper functions I just made.

    Typescript (Deno)
    import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.167.0/testing/asserts.ts";
    import { runPart } from "https://deno.land/x/aocd@v1.2.2/mod.ts";
    type ParsedLine = Command | Output;
    interface Command {
      type: "command";
      words: string[];
    interface Output {
      type: "output";
      line: string;
    function parse(input: string): ParsedLine[] {
      return input.trimEnd().split("\n").map((line) => {
        if (line.startsWith("$ ")) {
          return {
            type: "command",
            words: line.split(/\s+/).slice(1),
        } else {
          return {
            type: "output",
    type Node = File | Directory;
    interface File {
      type: "file";
      name: string;
      size: number;
    interface Directory {
      type: "directory";
      name: string;
      nodes: Node[];
      parent: Directory | null;
    function translateParsedLinesToFilesystem(
      parsedLines: ParsedLine[],
    ): Directory {
      const root: Directory = {
        type: "directory",
        name: "/",
        nodes: [],
        parent: null,
      let currentDirectory = root;
      for (const parsedLine of parsedLines) {
        if (parsedLine.type === "command") {
          const [command, ...args] = parsedLine.words;
          if (command === "cd") {
            const [path] = args;
            if (path === "/") {
              currentDirectory = root;
            } else if (path === "..") {
              if (!currentDirectory.parent) {
                throw new Error("cannot cd .. from root");
              currentDirectory = currentDirectory.parent;
            } else {
              for (const name of path.split("/")) {
                const node = currentDirectory.nodes.find((node) =>
                  node.name === name
                if (!node) {
                  throw new Error(`could not find node ${name}`);
                if (node.type !== "directory") {
                  throw new Error(`node ${name} is not a directory`);
                currentDirectory = node;
          } else if (command === "ls") {
            // do nothing
          } else {
            throw new Error(`unknown command ${command}`);
        } else if (parsedLine.type === "output") {
          const { line } = parsedLine;
          const match = /^(dir|\d+)\s+(\S+)$/.exec(line);
          if (!match) {
            throw new Error(`line did not match expected format: ${line}`);
          const [, dirLiteralOrSize, name] = match;
          if (dirLiteralOrSize === "dir") {
              type: "directory",
              nodes: [],
              parent: currentDirectory,
          } else {
              type: "file",
              size: Number(dirLiteralOrSize),
      return root;
    function calculateSizesOfAllDirectories(
      root: Directory,
    ): Map<Directory, number> {
      const sizes = new Map<Directory, number>();
      function calculateSizesOfAllDirectoriesHelper(
        directory: Directory,
      ): number {
        const size = directory.nodes.reduce((total, node) => {
          if (node.type === "file") {
            return total + node.size;
          } else {
            return total + calculateSizesOfAllDirectoriesHelper(node);
        }, 0);
        sizes.set(directory, size);
        return size;
      return sizes;
    function part1(input: string): number {
      const parsedLines = parse(input);
      const root = translateParsedLinesToFilesystem(parsedLines);
      const sizes = calculateSizesOfAllDirectories(root);
      return Array.from(sizes.entries())
        .filter(([, size]) => size <= 100000)
        .reduce((sum, [, size]) => sum + size, 0);
    function part2(input: string): number {
      const parsedLines = parse(input);
      const root = translateParsedLinesToFilesystem(parsedLines);
      const sizes = calculateSizesOfAllDirectories(root);
      const totalSize = sizes.get(root)!;
      const targetSize = 40_000_000;
      const needToDelete = totalSize - targetSize;
      return Math.min(
        ...Array.from(sizes.values()).filter((size) => size >= needToDelete),
    if (import.meta.main) {
      runPart(2022, 7, 1, part1);
      runPart(2022, 7, 2, part2);
    const TEST_INPUT = `\
    $ cd /
    $ ls
    dir a
    14848514 b.txt
    8504156 c.dat
    dir d
    $ cd a
    $ ls
    dir e
    29116 f
    2557 g
    62596 h.lst
    $ cd e
    $ ls
    584 i
    $ cd ..
    $ cd ..
    $ cd d
    $ ls
    4060174 j
    8033020 d.log
    5626152 d.ext
    7214296 k
    Deno.test("part1", () => {
      assertEquals(part1(TEST_INPUT), 95437);
    Deno.test("part2", () => {
      assertEquals(part2(TEST_INPUT), 24933642);
    3 votes
  5. bhrgunatha
    (edited )
    I've written a lot of tree and graph traversal code and yet, AoC coding vs. normal is identical real life hurdles vs. QWOP. Data Structures (struct dir (contents) #:mutable #:transparent) (struct...

    I've written a lot of tree and graph traversal code and yet, AoC coding vs. normal is identical real life hurdles vs. QWOP.

    Data Structures
    (struct dir (contents) #:mutable #:transparent)
    (struct file (size) #:transparent)
    (define root (list "/"))
    Part 1
    (define (part-01 input)
      (define disk (run-script null (mount-disk) input))
      (sum-dirs disk 100000))
    (define (mount-disk)
      (make-hash `((,root . ,(dir null)))))
    (define (run-script path disk out)
      (if (null? out)
          (match (string-split (first out))
            [(list _ "cd" "/")   (run-script root disk (rest out))]
            [(list _ "cd" "..")  (run-script (rest path) disk (rest out))]
            [(list _ "cd" subdir) (run-script (cons subdir path) disk (rest out))]
            [(list _ "ls")       (parse-listing path disk (rest out))]
            [_ (error 'execute-command "command expected: ~a" (first out))])))
    (define (parse-listing path disk out)
      (cond [(null? out) disk]
             (match (string-split (first out))
               [(cons "$" _)  (run-script path disk out)]
               [(list "dir" name)  (add-directory path disk name out)]
               [(list size name)  (add-file path disk (string->number size) name out)]
               [_ (error 'parse-listing "unknown listing ~a" (first out))])]))
    (define (add-directory path disk name out)
      (define new-dir (dir null))
      (define t (hash-ref disk path))
      (set-dir-contents! t (cons new-dir (dir-contents t)))
      (hash-set! disk (cons name path) new-dir)
      (parse-listing path disk (rest out)))
    (define (add-file path disk size name out)
      (define new-path (cons name path))
      (define new-file (file size))
      (define t (hash-ref disk path))
      (set-dir-contents! t (cons new-file (dir-contents t)))
      (hash-set! disk new-path new-file)
      (parse-listing path disk (rest out)))
    (define (sum-dirs disk limit)
      (for/sum ([(_ v) (in-hash disk)]
                #:when (dir? v))
        (define s (dir-size v))
        (if (> s limit) 0 s)))
    (define (dir-size t)
      (match t
        [(dir contents) (apply + (map dir-size contents))]
        [(file size) size]))
    Part 2
    (define (part-02 input)
      (define disk (execute-command null (mount-disk) input))
      (define used (dir-size (hash-ref disk (list "/"))))
      (define space-needed (- used 40000000))
      (for/fold ([smallest used])
                ([v (in-hash-values disk)]
                 #:when (dir? v))
        (define size (dir-size v) )
        (if (>= size space-needed)
            (min size smallest)

    Both parts takes about 2.6ms.
    As usual build up the data structures once and use it for both parts

    Attempt 1: ~70% elapsed time
    ~250 μs: read file
    ~ 1 ms: build the data structure
    ~270 μs: part 1
    ~230 μs: part 2

    (define disk (run-script null (mount-disk) (read-input)))
    (define (part-01 disk)
      (sum-dirs disk 100000))
    (define (part-02 disk)
      (define used (dir-size (hash-ref disk (list "/"))))
      (define space-needed (- used 40000000))
      (for*/fold ([smallest used])
                 ([(k v) (in-hash disk)]
                  #:when (dir? v)
                  [size (in-value (dir-size v))]
                  #:unless (< size space-needed))
        (min size smallest)))
    (list (part-01 disk)
          (part-02 disk))

    Note: The example listing and my input (and being AoC I suspect everyone's input) are both a recursive dfs of the disk.

    I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition that this margin is too narrow to contain. I don't have time to write today :)

    3 votes
  6. whispersilk
    I'm using Rust this year, and trying to keep it std-only throughout the month. I've been doing a pretty good job of avoiding allocation so far, I think, but not today. Part 1 use...

    I'm using Rust this year, and trying to keep it std-only throughout the month. I've been doing a pretty good job of avoiding allocation so far, I think, but not today.

    Part 1
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    type Entry = (PathBuf, u64, Type);
    enum Type {
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        let mut file = File::open("input_7.txt")?;
        let mut contents = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
        let mut entries: Vec<Entry> = vec![("/".into(), 0, Type::Dir)];
        let mut current_entry = 0;
        for line in contents.lines() {
            if line.starts_with("$ cd ..") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                current_entry = add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else if line.starts_with("$ cd ") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(2).unwrap());
                current_entry = add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else if line.starts_with("$ ls") {
                // do nothing
            } else if line.starts_with("dir ") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(1).unwrap());
                add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(1).unwrap());
                let size = line.split(" ").next().unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap();
                add_file(&mut entries, new_path, size);
        let total_size = entries
            .filter(|e| e.1 <= 100_000 && e.2 == Type::Dir)
            .fold(0, |acc, e| acc + e.1);
    fn add_dir(entries: &mut Vec<Entry>, path: PathBuf) -> usize {
        let exists = entries.iter().position(|e| e.0 == path);
        if exists.is_some() {
        } else {
            entries.push((path, 0, Type::Dir));
            entries.len() - 1
    fn add_file(entries: &mut Vec<Entry>, path: PathBuf, size: u64) -> usize {
        let exists = entries.iter().position(|e| e.0 == path);
        if exists.is_some() {
        } else {
                .filter(|e| path.starts_with(&e.0))
                .for_each(|e| e.1 += size);
            entries.push((path, size, Type::File));
            entries.len() - 1
    Part 2
    use std::error::Error;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    type Entry = (PathBuf, u64, Type);
    enum Type {
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
        let mut file = File::open("input_7.txt")?;
        let mut contents = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?;
        let mut entries: Vec<Entry> = vec![("/".into(), 0, Type::Dir)];
        let mut current_entry = 0;
        for line in contents.lines() {
            if line.starts_with("$ cd ..") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                current_entry = add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else if line.starts_with("$ cd ") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(2).unwrap());
                current_entry = add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else if line.starts_with("$ ls") {
                // do nothing
            } else if line.starts_with("dir ") {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(1).unwrap());
                add_dir(&mut entries, new_path);
            } else {
                let mut new_path = entries.get(current_entry).unwrap().0.clone();
                new_path.push(line.split(" ").nth(1).unwrap());
                let size = line.split(" ").next().unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap();
                add_file(&mut entries, new_path, size);
        let total_size = entries
            .filter(|e| e.2 == Type::File)
            .fold(0, |acc, e| acc + e.1);
        let need_to_clear = 30_000_000 - (70_000_000 - total_size);
        let smallest_suitable_dir_size = entries
            .filter(|e| e.1 >= need_to_clear)
            .min_by(|e1, e2| e1.1.cmp(&e2.1))
    fn add_dir(entries: &mut Vec<Entry>, path: PathBuf) -> usize {
        let exists = entries.iter().position(|e| e.0 == path);
        if exists.is_some() {
        } else {
            entries.push((path, 0, Type::Dir));
            entries.len() - 1
    fn add_file(entries: &mut Vec<Entry>, path: PathBuf, size: u64) -> usize {
        let exists = entries.iter().position(|e| e.0 == path);
        if exists.is_some() {
        } else {
                .filter(|e| path.starts_with(&e.0))
                .for_each(|e| e.1 += size);
            entries.push((path, size, Type::File));
            entries.len() - 1
    3 votes
  7. asterisk
    Python import collections, copy def tree(): return collections.defaultdict(tree) filesystem = tree() path = list() dirs = set() def add(keys, value=None, t=filesystem): for i, key in...
    import collections, copy
    def tree():
        return collections.defaultdict(tree)
    filesystem = tree()
    path = list()
    dirs = set()
    def add(keys, value=None, t=filesystem):
        for i, key in enumerate(keys):
            if i == len(keys) - 1 and value:
            t = t[key]
        if value:
            t[key] = value
    def dirSize(keys):
        t = copy.deepcopy(filesystem)
        total = int()
        for k in keys:
            t = t[k]
        for k in t.keys():
            total += t[k] if type(t[k]) == int else dirSize(keys + tuple([k]))
        return total
    for line in open("input.txt").read().splitlines():
        match line.split():
            case ["$", "cd", dir]:
                match dir:
                    case "..":
                    case "/":
                        path = ["/"]
                    case _:
            case ["$", "ls"]:
            case ["dir", dir]:
                add(path + [dir])
                dirs.add(tuple(path + [dir]))
            case [size, file]:
                add(path + [file], int(size))
    limit: int = 100_000
    total_space: int = 70_000_000
    need_space: int = 30_000_000
    total = int()
    for_delete = list()
    need_space -= total_space - dirSize(tuple("/"))
    for dir in dirs:
        size = dirSize(dir)
        if size < limit:
            total += size
        if size > need_space:
    print(total)  # Part One: 1325919
    print(min(for_delete))  # Part Two: 2050735

    Yeah, it was harder for me: I donʼt like trees; and at begining I had problem with electricity at the morning. Iʼll try to make the code cleaner but it kinda work, so for now itʼs fine.

    2 votes
  8. balooga
    Yikes, after yesterday's cakewalk this one was considerably more aggravating! Here's my TypeScript solution /* Most of the heavy lifting is being done by my input parser, which builds out a...

    Yikes, after yesterday's cakewalk this one was considerably more aggravating!

    Here's my TypeScript solution
        Most of the heavy lifting is being done by my input parser, which builds
        out a hierarchical "filesystem" object I can traverse. In that structure
        I'm putting sizes on directories as I go, for convenience. Then for
        finding the actual solutions it's just a matter of reading what's there.
        Bit of recursion in the traversal functions, which is always fun.
    interface File {
      name: string;
      size: number;
      type: 'file';
    interface Directory {
      children: (Directory | File)[];
      name: string;
      size: number;
      type: 'directory';
    type Command = string;
    type Path = string | undefined;
    type Input = [Command, Path];
    // parse the input file into a hierarchical object we can traverse
    function formatInput(input: string): Directory {
      // declare the root node of the hierarchy we will be building out
      const filesystem = {
        children: [],
        name: '/',
        size: 0,
        type: 'directory',
      } as Directory;
      // pointer is used to track the path to the current node, it's an array of strings
      // each element is one level in the hierarchy (first should always be root, "/")
      let pointer = ['/'];
      // fetch the actual directory that a pointer references
      const resolvePointer = (pointerToResolve: string[]): Directory => {
        let currentDir = filesystem;
        if (pointerToResolve.length > 1) {
          for (const level of pointerToResolve) {
            if (level === '/') {
            currentDir = currentDir.children.filter(e => e.name === level)[0] as Directory;
        return currentDir;
      // split input into separate "actions," each of which includes both a command and its output
      const actions = `${input}`.split('\n$ ');
      for (const action of actions) {
        // split by line; first is the command, any lines after are dirs or files in the ls output
        const output = action.split('\n');
        const [command, path] = output.shift().split(' ') as Input;
        // if the command was cd, move the pointer according to the path
        if (command === 'cd' && path) {
          if (path === '..') {
          } else if (path === '/') {
            pointer = ['/'];
          } else {
        // if the command was ls, parse the output to populate the children of the current dir
        if (command === 'ls') {
          // get the actual directory represented by wherever the pointer is right now
          const currentDir = resolvePointer(pointer);
          for (const item of output) {
            const [meta, name] = item.split(' ');
            // hacky error handling yay
            if (!name) {
            // if the listed item is a directory, add it to the children array
            if (meta === 'dir') {
                children: [],
                size: 0,
                type: 'directory',
            } else {
              // listed item must be a file, add it to the children array
                size: Number(meta),
                type: 'file',
              // now traverse up to root, adding this file size to each ancestor node
              const ancestorWalkPointer = [...pointer];
              while (ancestorWalkPointer.length > 0) {
                resolvePointer(ancestorWalkPointer).size += Number(meta);
      return filesystem;
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const filesystem = formatInput(input);
    Part 1
      const getTotalOfCandidateDirectorySizes = (fs: Directory): number => {
        let total = 0;
        const walk = (dir: Directory): void => {
          if (dir.size <= 100000) {
            total += dir.size;
          for (const node of dir.children) {
            if (node.type === 'directory') {
        return total;
    Part 2
      const findSmallestCandidateDirectory = (fs: Directory): number => {
        const spaceNeeded = 30000000 - (70000000 - fs.size);
        let smallestCandidateSize = 70000000;
        const walk = (dir: Directory): void => {
          if (dir.size >= spaceNeeded && dir.size < smallestCandidateSize) {
            smallestCandidateSize = dir.size;
          for (const node of dir.children) {
            if (node.type === 'directory') {
        return smallestCandidateSize;
      return [`${getTotalOfCandidateDirectorySizes(filesystem)}`, `${findSmallestCandidateDirectory(filesystem)}`];
    2 votes
  9. thorondir
    Today felt... hacky, again. Lots of mutation of state going on, to set everything up for the calculations at the end. After solving, I realized how to better reuse the solver from part 1 for part...

    Today felt... hacky, again. Lots of mutation of state going on, to set everything up for the calculations at the end.

    After solving, I realized how to better reuse the solver from part 1 for part 2, so I rewrote the bits I had.


    I figured I'd just build a tree of inodes while parsing.

    (struct inode (type name size parent children) #:mutable #:transparent)
    (define (add-child! current-dir new-inode)
      (mappend! (inode-children current-dir) (mlist new-inode)))
    (define (find-dir tree dirname)
      (for/first ([child (inode-children tree)]
                  #:when (and (inode? child)
                              (eq? (inode-type child) 'dir)
                              (string=? (inode-name child) dirname)))
    (define (sanitize-input input)
      (define lines (string-split input "\n"))
      (define tree (inode 'dir "/" 0 #f (mlist empty))) ; the (mlist empty) makes it so I need guards in all the for loops
                                                        ; but if I take it away, it breaks, so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
      (define current-dir tree)
      (for ([line lines])
        (define parts (string-split line))
        (cond [(string=? (first parts) "$")
                 [(string=? (second parts) "cd")
                  (match (third parts)
                    ["/"  (set! current-dir tree)]
                    [".." (set! current-dir (inode-parent current-dir))]
                     (define target-dir (find-dir current-dir (third parts)))
                     (when (not (inode? target-dir))
                       (error 'cd (~a "could not find" (third parts))))
                     (set! current-dir target-dir)])]
                 [(string=? (second parts) "ls") 'ignore]
                 [else 'unknown-command])]
              [(string=? (first parts) "dir")
               (define new-dir (inode 'dir (second parts) 0 current-dir (mlist empty)))
               (add-child! current-dir new-dir)]
               (define size (string->number (first parts)))
               (define filename (second parts))
               (define new-file (inode 'file filename size current-dir empty))
               (add-child! current-dir new-file)]))

    With that done, I calculated all the sizes, recursively:

    (define (size-calculator! tree)
      (define size
        (for/fold ([total-size 0])
                  ([child (inode-children tree)]
                   #:when (inode? child))
          (match (inode-type child)
            ['file (+ total-size (inode-size child))]
             (define sub-size (size-calculator! child))
             (set-inode-size! child sub-size)
             (+ total-size sub-size)])))
      (set-inode-size! tree size)

    The "solver" can then go through the tree and find all the directories that match some criterion:

    (define (solver tree compare-func target-size)
      (define subdirs
        (for/fold ([d empty])
                  ([child (inode-children tree)]
                   #:when (and (inode? child)
                               (eq? (inode-type child) 'dir)))
          (append d (solver child compare-func target-size))))
      (define dir (list (inode-name tree) (inode-size tree)))
      (if (compare-func (inode-size tree) target-size)
          (append (list dir) subdirs)

    At this point, parts one and two are just a few lines of code:

    Both Parts
    (define (part-1 input)
      (define total-size  (size-calculator! input))
      (define out
        (solver input <= 100000))
      (apply + (map second out)))
    (define (part-2 input)
      (define total-size  (size-calculator! input))
      (define target-size (- REQUIRED (- MAX total-size)))
      (define candidates (sort (map second (solver input >= target-size)) <))
      (first candidates))
    2 votes
  10. Gyrfalcon
    Well, today was definitely not a good day to try an object oriented approach while attempting to continue forcing static typing into Python, and you can see that in how long and clunky my code is....

    Well, today was definitely not a good day to try an object oriented approach while attempting to continue forcing static typing into Python, and you can see that in how long and clunky my code is. But, it works, and I'm going to keep telling myself that that is the only thing that matters.

    Parts 1 and 2, Python
    class FilesystemObject:
        def __init__(self, parent, name: str):
            self.name = name
            self.parent = parent  # Want to hint this, but get not defined error?
        def size(self) -> int:
            raise NotImplementedError
    class Directory(FilesystemObject):
        def __init__(
            parent,  # Want to hint this, but get not defined error?
            name: str,
            children: Optional[Dict[str, FilesystemObject]],
            if children is None:
                self.children: Dict[str, FilesystemObject] = {}
                self.children = children
            super().__init__(parent, name)
        def add_child(self, child: FilesystemObject):
            self.children[child.name] = child
        def size(self) -> int:
            return sum((item.size for item in self.children.values()))
    class File(FilesystemObject):
        def __init__(self, parent: Optional[Directory], name: str, size: int):
            self._size = size
            super().__init__(parent, name)
        def size(self) -> int:
            return self._size
    def parse_commands(commands: List[str]) -> Directory:
        root = Directory(None, "/", None)
        cwd = root
        ls_mode = False
        for command in commands[1:]:
            breakdown = command.split()
            if breakdown[0] == "$":
                ls_mode = False
                if breakdown[1] == "cd":
                    if breakdown[2] == "..":
                        cwd = cast(Directory, cwd.parent)
                    if breakdown[2] == "/" and root is not None:
                        cwd = root
                    if breakdown[2] == "/" and root is None:
                        root = Directory(cwd, "/", None)
                        cwd = root
                    cwd = cast(Directory, cwd.children[breakdown[2]])
                elif breakdown[1] == "ls":
                    ls_mode = (
                        True  # I don't think I need this but if we expand this I might
            elif ls_mode:
                if breakdown[0] == "dir":
                    cwd.add_child(Directory(cwd, breakdown[1], None))
                cwd.add_child(File(cwd, breakdown[1], int(breakdown[0])))
                raise NotImplementedError
        return root
    def find_small(current: FilesystemObject) -> List[int]:
        if isinstance(current, File):
            return []
        if current.size <= 100000:
            out = [current.size]
            for child in cast(Directory, current).children.values():
            return out
        out = []
        for child in cast(Directory, current).children.values():
        return out
    def find_bigger(current: FilesystemObject, minimum: int) -> List[int]:
        if isinstance(current, File):
            return []
        if current.size >= minimum:
            out = [current.size]
            for child in cast(Directory, current).children.values():
                out.extend(find_bigger(child, minimum))
            return out
        return []
    def main(filepath: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        inputs = load_file.load_cleaned_lines(filepath)
        root_dir = parse_commands(inputs)
        target = 30000000 - (70000000 - root_dir.size)
        return (sum(find_small(root_dir)), min(find_bigger(root_dir, target)))
    2 votes
  11. jzimbel
    Elixir A challenging puzzle for a functional language that only provides immutable data structures! I used a fun data structure (design pattern? 🤷) called a zipper, which provides an efficient and...


    A challenging puzzle for a functional language that only provides immutable data structures!

    I used a fun data structure (design pattern? 🤷) called a zipper, which provides an efficient and purely functional way to navigate and manipulate a deeply nested data structure.

    The basic idea of it is that as you descend into the sub-nodes, parent nodes that have been traversed get removed from the structure and added to a stack of "context" structs. This way, all edits happen to the "root" node, and the "root" changes as you move around. When it's time to go back up a level, the parent node gets rebuilt from the stored context, and the node we were previously editing gets added as a child of the reconstructed parent. This can be repeated all the way back to the root node, at which point you've put the whole structure back together.

    Directory struct

    A simple struct to store a directory node. The struct originally had more fields (I also had a separate struct for the file entries) since I didn't know what part 2 might ask for, but I've pared everything down to just what was ultimately needed to solve both parts.

    defmodule Dir do
      @type t :: %__MODULE__{
              size: non_neg_integer(),
              dirs: %{String.t() => t()}
      defstruct size: 0, dirs: %{}
      @spec sizes(t()) :: list(non_neg_integer())
      def sizes(%__MODULE__{} = d) do
        [d.size] ++ Enum.flat_map(Map.values(d.dirs), &sizes/1)
    Zipper implementation

    The typespecs kind of clutter things up, but they might be helpful to explain what's going on?

    defmodule Zipper.Context do
      @type t :: %__MODULE__{
              name: String.t(),
              siblings_size: non_neg_integer(),
              dir_siblings: %{String.t() => Dir.t()}
      defstruct [:name, :siblings_size, :dir_siblings]
    defmodule Zipper do
      alias Zipper.Context
      @type t :: %__MODULE__{
              focus: Dir.t(),
              context: list(Context.t())
      defstruct focus: %Dir{}, context: []
      @spec to_dir(t()) :: Dir.t()
      def to_dir(%__MODULE__{} = z) do
        Enum.reduce(z.context, z.focus, &rebuild_parent/2)
      @spec add_dir(t(), String.t()) :: t()
      def add_dir(%__MODULE__{} = z, name) do
        update_in(z.focus.dirs, &Map.put_new(&1, name, %Dir{}))
      @spec add_size(t(), integer) :: t()
      def add_size(%__MODULE__{} = z, size) do
        update_in(z.focus.size, &(&1 + size))
      @spec down(t(), String.t()) :: t()
      def down(%__MODULE__{} = z, name) do
          focus: Map.fetch!(z.focus.dirs, name),
          context: [make_context(z.focus, name) | z.context]
      @spec up(t()) :: t()
      def up(%__MODULE__{context: [context | rest]} = z) do
        %__MODULE__{context: rest, focus: rebuild_parent(context, z.focus)}
      defp make_context(dir, cd_name) do
          name: cd_name,
          siblings_size: dir.size - dir.dirs[cd_name].size,
          dir_siblings: Map.delete(dir.dirs, cd_name)
      defp rebuild_parent(context, from_dir) do
          size: context.siblings_size + from_dir.size,
          dirs: Map.put_new(context.dir_siblings, context.name, from_dir)
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2022.Day07 do
      def part1(input) do
        |> parse_fs()
        |> Dir.sizes()
        |> Enum.reject(&(&1 > 100_000))
        |> Enum.sum()
      @capacity 70_000_000
      @min_needed 30_000_000
      def part2(input) do
        fs = parse_fs(input)
        unused_space = @capacity - fs.size
        min_to_delete = @min_needed - unused_space
        |> Dir.sizes()
        |> Enum.filter(&(&1 >= min_to_delete))
        |> Enum.min()
      defp parse_fs(input) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        # Skip "$ cd /"
        |> Enum.drop(1)
        |> Enum.reduce(%Zipper{}, &process_line/2)
        |> Zipper.to_dir()
      defp process_line("$ ls", z), do: z
      defp process_line("$ cd ..", z), do: Zipper.up(z)
      defp process_line("$ cd " <> dir_name, z), do: Zipper.down(z, dir_name)
      defp process_line("dir " <> dir_name, z) do
        Zipper.add_dir(z, dir_name)
      defp process_line(file_line, z) do
        {size, _} = Integer.parse(file_line)
        Zipper.add_size(z, size)

    I kept track of each directory's size along the way, so combined with the zipper approach I think my solution is pretty efficient. Each part runs in 575 - 615 μs (and they each start from the string input—would be faster if I could reuse the parsed tree but my solution-runner utilities don't allow that).

    2 votes
  12. kari
    This one was a pain in my butt (I just finished it last night), but I think that was mostly down to the fact that I'm just learning nim and I wasn't understanding refs correctly at first. nim...

    This one was a pain in my butt (I just finished it last night), but I think that was mostly down to the fact that I'm just learning nim and I wasn't understanding refs correctly at first.

    nim (both parts)
    import std/[heapqueue, strutils, tables]
      MyFile = ref object
        name: string
        parentDir: MyFile
        case isDir: bool
        of true: files: TableRef[string, MyFile]
        of false: size: int
    proc len(file: MyFile): int =
      if not file.isDir:
        return file.size
      var size = 0
      for subFile in file.files.values:
        size += subFile.len()
      return size
    proc part1(file: MyFile): int =
      if not file.isDir:
        return file.size
      var size = 0
      for subFile in file.files.values:
        if subFile.isDir:
          if subFile.len <= 100000:
            size += subFile.len
          size += subFile.part1()
      return size
    proc part2Rec(file: MyFile): (int, HeapQueue[int]) =
        size = 0
        heap: HeapQueue[int]
      for subFile in file.files.values:
        if subFile.isDir:
          var (subDirSize, subDirHeap) = part2Rec(subFile)
          while subDirHeap.len > 0:
          size += subDirSize
          size += subFile.size
      return (size, heap)
    proc part2(root: MyFile, capacity, goalFree: int): int =
      let outerSize = root.len
      var (_, heap) = root.part2Rec()
      while heap.len > 0:
        let size = heap.pop()
        if capacity - outerSize + size > goalFree:
          return size
      return -1
    proc day07*() =
        root: MyFile
        curDir: MyFile
      # Assumes the first input line is to root
      # `cd ..` from root is ignored
      for line in lines("inputs/day07.in"):
        let split = line.splitWhitespace()
        if split[0] == "$":
          if split[1] == "cd":
            let name = split[2]
            if name == "..":
              if curDir.parentDir != nil:
                curDir = curDir.parentDir
              if curDir == nil:
                # Create root
                root = MyFile(name: name, isDir: true)
                curDir = root
                continue # Done w/the rest of this if
              if curDir.files == nil:
                new curDir.files
              var dir = curDir.files.getOrDefault(name)
              if dir == nil:
                # This shouldn't happen but we can handle it just in case
                dir = MyFile(name: name, parentDir: curDir, isDir: true)
                curDir.files[name] = dir
              curDir = dir
          # We can ignore ls lines (at least for now)
          # elif split[1] == "ls":
          #   # Do other stuff
          let name = split[1]
          if curDir.files == nil:
            new curDir.files
          if split[0] == "dir":
            let newDir = MyFile(name: name, parentDir: curDir, isDir: true)
            curDir.files[name] = newDir
            curDir.files[name] = MyFile(name: name, parentDir: curDir, isDir: false,
                size: parseInt(split[0]))
      echo "Part 1: " & $(root.part1)
      echo "Part 2: " & $(root.part2(70_000_000, 30_000_000))
    1 vote