thorondir's recent activity

  1. Comment on Day 2: Cube Conundrum in ~comp.advent_of_code

    Guile Scheme again, and again my solution feels... Complicated. My utils.scm got an addition: utils.scm It makes sure everything in the `lst` maps to `true` when `proc` is applied to it (define...

    Guile Scheme again, and again my solution feels... Complicated.

    My utils.scm got an addition:

    utils.scm It makes sure everything in the `lst` maps to `true` when `proc` is applied to it
    (define (and-map proc lst)
      (define (and-inner p ls cur-val)
          [(null? ls) cur-val]
          [else (and (p (car ls)) (and-inner p (cdr ls) cur-val))]))
      (and-inner proc lst #t))
    Part 1
    (use-modules (ice-9 regex)
                 (ice-9 format)
                 (srfi srfi-1))
    (load "utils.scm")
    (define (is-game-possible round-dicts cubes)
      (define (is-round-possible round-dict)
        (and (<= (hash-ref round-dict "red" 0) ; defaults to zero, because not all colors get drawn each time
                 (hash-ref cubes      "red"))
             (<= (hash-ref round-dict "green" 0)
                 (hash-ref cubes      "green"))
             (<= (hash-ref round-dict "blue" 0)
                 (hash-ref cubes      "blue"))))
      (and-map is-round-possible round-dicts))
    (define (round-parser current-round)
      (define round-dict (make-hash-table 3)) ; one each for red, blue, and green
      (define matches (list-matches "([0-9]+) (red|green|blue)" current-round))
      (map (lambda (m)
             (let [(key (match:substring m 2)) ; the second group in the regex
                   (value (string->number (match:substring m 1)))] ; the first group in the regex
               (hash-set! round-dict key (+ value (hash-ref round-dict key 0)))))
    (define (game-parser line)
      (map round-parser (string-split line #\;)))
    (define (prepare-cubes)
      (let [(t (make-hash-table 3))]
        (hash-set! t "red" 12)
        (hash-set! t "green" 13)
        (hash-set! t "blue" 14)
    (define (count-games games)
      (define (counter gs index sum)
          [(null? gs) sum]
          [(eq? #t (car gs)) (counter (cdr gs) (1+ index) (+ sum index))]
          [else (counter (cdr gs) (1+ index) sum)]))
      (counter games 1 0))
    (define (proc-task-02a filename)
      (define cubes (prepare-cubes))
      (define games (map game-parser (reverse (slurp filename))))
      (define possible-games (map (lambda (round-dicts)
                                    (is-game-possible round-dicts cubes))
      (count-games possible-games))
    (if (= (proc-task-02a "tiny_input_02") 8)
      (format #t "Task 02, part 1: ~a\n" (proc-task-02a "input_02"))
      (error "tiny-task-02a didn't pass sanity checks"))

    For part 2 I ran through every game again to calculate the number of cubes.

    Part 2
    ;; update table-1 with values from table-2, for key
    (define (hash-updater table-1 table-2 key)
      (let [(val-1 (hash-ref table-1 key 0))
            (val-2 (hash-ref table-2 key 0)) ]
        (when (< val-1 val-2)
          (hash-set! table-1 key val-2))))
    (define (calculate-powers game)
      (define cube-minimus (make-hash-table 3))
      (define (calculate-round-power rnd)
        (map (lambda (key)
               (hash-updater cube-minimus rnd key))
             '("red" "green" "blue")))
      (map calculate-round-power game)
      (hash-fold (lambda (k v prev)
                   (* prev v))
                 1 cube-minimus))
    (define (proc-task-02b filename)
      (define games (map game-parser (reverse (slurp filename))))
      (define powers (map calculate-powers games))
      (apply + powers))
    (if (= (proc-task-02b "tiny_input_02") 2286)
      (format #t "Task 02, part 2: ~a\n" (proc-task-02b "input_02"))
      (error "tiny-task-02b didn't pass sanity checks"))
    1 vote
  2. Comment on Day 1: Trebuchet?! in ~comp.advent_of_code

    I'm trying out Guile Scheme, this year. Didn't get to it yesterday, sadly, but such is life. I wrote a "utils.scm" library, to do things I'll have to do over and over again: utils.scm For now,...

    I'm trying out Guile Scheme, this year.
    Didn't get to it yesterday, sadly, but such is life.

    I wrote a "utils.scm" library, to do things I'll have to do over and over again:


    For now, it's just a function that reads in the input-file line by line, hands back a list of lines.

    (use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))
    (define (slurp filename)
      (call-with-input-file filename
                            (lambda (p)
                              (let loop ([line (read-line p)]
                                         [result '()])
                                (if (eof-object? line)
                                  (loop (read-line p) (cons line result)))))))
    Part 1

    Nothing particularly fancy, just regex-ing it.

    (use-modules (ice-9 regex)
                 (ice-9 format))
    (load "utils.scm")
    (define beginning-digit-re "^[^1-9]*([1-9])")
    (define end-digit-re "([1-9])[^1-9]*$")
    (define (process-line line)
      (let ([begin-match (string-match beginning-digit-re line)]
            [end-match   (string-match end-digit-re line)])
        (string-join (list (match:substring begin-match 1)
                           (match:substring end-match 1))
    (define (proc-task-01a filename)
      (define puzzle-input (slurp filename))
      (apply + (map string->number (map process-line puzzle-input))))
    (if (= (proc-task-01a "tiny_input_01a") 142)
      (format #t "Task 01, part 1: ~a\n" (proc-task-01a "input_01"))
      (error "tiny-task-01a didn't pass sanity checks"))

    Second part was, as everyone already mentioned, a bit trickier.
    Still regex-ing it, though.

    Part 2
    (define (front-splicer str matcher)
      (let [(m (string-match matcher str))]
        (if (regexp-match? m)
          (front-splicer (string-drop str 1) matcher))))
    (define (back-splicer str matcher)
      (let [(m (string-match matcher str))]
        (if (regexp-match? m)
          (back-splicer (string-drop-right str 1) matcher))))
    (define (digit-getter m)
        [(or (string=? "1" m) (string=? "one" m))   "1"]
        [(or (string=? "2" m) (string=? "two" m))   "2"]
        [(or (string=? "3" m) (string=? "three" m)) "3"]
        [(or (string=? "4" m) (string=? "four" m))  "4"]
        [(or (string=? "5" m) (string=? "five" m))  "5"]
        [(or (string=? "6" m) (string=? "six" m))   "6"]
        [(or (string=? "7" m) (string=? "seven" m)) "7"]
        [(or (string=? "8" m) (string=? "eight" m)) "8"]
        [(or (string=? "9" m) (string=? "nine" m))  "9"]
          (error (format #f "we matched something else? ~a" m))]) )
    (define (grab-first line)
      (define matcher "^(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)")
      (let [(m (match:substring (front-splicer line matcher) 1))]
        (digit-getter m)))
    (define (grab-last line)
      (define matcher "(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)$")
      (let [(m (match:substring (back-splicer line matcher) 1))]
        (digit-getter m)))
    (define (proc-line line)
      (let [(front (grab-first line))
            (back  (grab-last  line))]
        (string->number (format #f "~a~a" front back))))
    (define (proc-task-01b filename)
      (define puzzle-input (slurp filename))
      (apply + (map proc-line puzzle-input)))
    (if (= (proc-task-01b "tiny_input_01b") 281)
      (format #t "Task 01, part 2: ~a\n" (proc-task-01b "input_01"))
      (error "tiny-task-01b didn't pass sanity checks"))

    The solutions don't feel particularly... scheme-y, but then again, I don't know what that would feel like, exactly. xD

    2 votes
  3. Comment on What is your most essential pessimistic belief? Conversely, what is your most essential optimistic belief? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    The series is simply that good, yes. xD Had I known of it, I'd also have gone for one of the box sets. :| But such is life.

    The series is simply that good, yes. xD

    Had I known of it, I'd also have gone for one of the box sets. :|
    But such is life.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on What is your most essential pessimistic belief? Conversely, what is your most essential optimistic belief? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I'm not surprised at, but definitely delighted by, this particular tidbit: I'll check it out, thanks!

    I'm not surprised at, but definitely delighted by, this particular tidbit:

    $1,405,859 pledged of $25,000 goal

    I'll check it out, thanks!

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What is your most essential pessimistic belief? Conversely, what is your most essential optimistic belief? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Man, The Prisoner's Dilemma does pop up everywhere, doesn't it. xD

    Man, The Prisoner's Dilemma does pop up everywhere, doesn't it. xD

    1 vote
  6. Comment on What is your most essential pessimistic belief? Conversely, what is your most essential optimistic belief? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I most warmly recommend The Expanse book-series by James S.A. Corey. It's hard sci-fi, but that's not the most interesting thing to me. Rather, what keeps me so hooked is the realistic portrayal...

    I most warmly recommend The Expanse book-series by James S.A. Corey.

    It's hard sci-fi, but that's not the most interesting thing to me. Rather, what keeps me so hooked is the realistic portrayal of people at the point where we have started colonizing the solar system.

    It shares both your optimism and your pessimism, then adds shenanigans to it. :D

    2 votes
  7. Comment on What is your most essential pessimistic belief? Conversely, what is your most essential optimistic belief? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Optimistically, I would love for there to be more things where you first had to prove a basic understanding to be allowed to use/have it. Children, the internet, guns, etc. Pessimistically...

    Optimistically, I would love for there to be more things where you first had to prove a basic understanding to be allowed to use/have it. Children, the internet, guns, etc.

    Pessimistically speaking, though, gating voting behind one feels like another instance of "agree with the state or we won't let you pass the test".

    3 votes
  8. Comment on Day 7: No Space Left On Device in ~comp

    Today felt... hacky, again. Lots of mutation of state going on, to set everything up for the calculations at the end. After solving, I realized how to better reuse the solver from part 1 for part...

    Today felt... hacky, again. Lots of mutation of state going on, to set everything up for the calculations at the end.

    After solving, I realized how to better reuse the solver from part 1 for part 2, so I rewrote the bits I had.


    I figured I'd just build a tree of inodes while parsing.

    (struct inode (type name size parent children) #:mutable #:transparent)
    (define (add-child! current-dir new-inode)
      (mappend! (inode-children current-dir) (mlist new-inode)))
    (define (find-dir tree dirname)
      (for/first ([child (inode-children tree)]
                  #:when (and (inode? child)
                              (eq? (inode-type child) 'dir)
                              (string=? (inode-name child) dirname)))
    (define (sanitize-input input)
      (define lines (string-split input "\n"))
      (define tree (inode 'dir "/" 0 #f (mlist empty))) ; the (mlist empty) makes it so I need guards in all the for loops
                                                        ; but if I take it away, it breaks, so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
      (define current-dir tree)
      (for ([line lines])
        (define parts (string-split line))
        (cond [(string=? (first parts) "$")
                 [(string=? (second parts) "cd")
                  (match (third parts)
                    ["/"  (set! current-dir tree)]
                    [".." (set! current-dir (inode-parent current-dir))]
                     (define target-dir (find-dir current-dir (third parts)))
                     (when (not (inode? target-dir))
                       (error 'cd (~a "could not find" (third parts))))
                     (set! current-dir target-dir)])]
                 [(string=? (second parts) "ls") 'ignore]
                 [else 'unknown-command])]
              [(string=? (first parts) "dir")
               (define new-dir (inode 'dir (second parts) 0 current-dir (mlist empty)))
               (add-child! current-dir new-dir)]
               (define size (string->number (first parts)))
               (define filename (second parts))
               (define new-file (inode 'file filename size current-dir empty))
               (add-child! current-dir new-file)]))

    With that done, I calculated all the sizes, recursively:

    (define (size-calculator! tree)
      (define size
        (for/fold ([total-size 0])
                  ([child (inode-children tree)]
                   #:when (inode? child))
          (match (inode-type child)
            ['file (+ total-size (inode-size child))]
             (define sub-size (size-calculator! child))
             (set-inode-size! child sub-size)
             (+ total-size sub-size)])))
      (set-inode-size! tree size)

    The "solver" can then go through the tree and find all the directories that match some criterion:

    (define (solver tree compare-func target-size)
      (define subdirs
        (for/fold ([d empty])
                  ([child (inode-children tree)]
                   #:when (and (inode? child)
                               (eq? (inode-type child) 'dir)))
          (append d (solver child compare-func target-size))))
      (define dir (list (inode-name tree) (inode-size tree)))
      (if (compare-func (inode-size tree) target-size)
          (append (list dir) subdirs)

    At this point, parts one and two are just a few lines of code:

    Both Parts
    (define (part-1 input)
      (define total-size  (size-calculator! input))
      (define out
        (solver input <= 100000))
      (apply + (map second out)))
    (define (part-2 input)
      (define total-size  (size-calculator! input))
      (define target-size (- REQUIRED (- MAX total-size)))
      (define candidates (sort (map second (solver input >= target-size)) <))
      (first candidates))
    2 votes
  9. Comment on Day 6: Tuning Trouble in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Oh, right. O(n) in a place I didn't expect. Thanks for the pointers! :)

    Oh, right. O(n) in a place I didn't expect.

    Thanks for the pointers! :)

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Day 6: Tuning Trouble in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Reading your solutions [and the docs, to figure out what you did xD] is always super helpful. :D I went about it a bit differently, by manually keeping track of the index. Which also meant part...

    Reading your solutions [and the docs, to figure out what you did xD] is always super helpful. :D

    I went about it a bit differently, by manually keeping track of the index. Which also meant part two was a change of adding a single character. xD

    Both Parts
    (define (unique? lst)
      (= (length lst) (set-count (list->set lst))))
    (define (process-slice slice idx slice-length)
      (cond [(< (length slice) slice-length)
             (displayln "slice too small")
             (values empty -1)]
            [(>= (length slice) slice-length)
             (define new-slice (take slice slice-length))
               [(unique? new-slice) (values empty (+ idx slice-length))]
               [else (process-slice (rest slice) (add1 idx) slice-length)])]
             (values 'never-supposed-to-get-here -1)]))
    (define (part-1 input)
      (define-values (m i) (process-slice input 0 4))
    (define (part-2 input)
      (define-values (m i) (process-slice input 0 14))
    2 votes
  11. Comment on Day 4: Camp Cleanup in ~comp

    Link Parent
    That's very helpful, thank you!

    That's very helpful, thank you!

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Day 5: Supply Stacks in ~comp

    Still doesn't feel idiomatic, because I use a bunch of mutation, but it's getting easier to write down what I want to do, so that's a win. Now I just have to not do the unidiomatic thing. xD...

    Still doesn't feel idiomatic, because I use a bunch of mutation, but it's getting easier to write down what I want to do, so that's a win. Now I just have to not do the unidiomatic thing. xD


    Part 1
    (struct move (amount src dst) #:transparent)
    (define (parse-stacks stack-lines)
      (define stacks# (length (string-split (last stack-lines))))
      (define stacks (make-vector stacks# '()))
      (for ([stack-line (rest (reverse stack-lines))])
        (define matches (regexp-match* #rx"(...) ?" stack-line))
        (for ([m matches]
              [i (in-range stacks#)])
          (when (not (char=? (string-ref m 1) #\ )) ; only add something if the slot is not empty
            (vector-set! stacks i (cons (string-ref m 1) (vector-ref stacks i))))))
    (define (parse-moves move-lines)
      (for/list ([line move-lines])
        (define matches (regexp-match #px"move (\\d+) from (\\d+) to (\\d+)" line))
        (move (string->number (second matches)) ; amount
              (sub1 (string->number (third matches))) ; src
              (sub1 (string->number (fourth matches)))))) ; dst
    ;; function to make input usable
    (define (sanitize-input input)
      (define split (string-split input "\n\n"))
      (define stack-def-raw (string-split (first split) "\n"))
      (define proc-def-raw (string-split (second split) "\n"))
      (define stacks (parse-stacks stack-def-raw))
      (define moves (parse-moves proc-def-raw))
      (values stacks moves))
    (define (proc-moves! stacks moves)
      (for ([m moves])
        (for ([i (in-range (move-amount m))])
          (move-container! stacks (move-src m) (move-dst m)))))
    (define (move-container! stack src dst)
      (define container (first (vector-ref stack src)))
      (vector-set! stack src (rest (vector-ref stack src)))
      (vector-set! stack dst (cons container (vector-ref stack dst))))
    ;; take the small input from the text
    (define raw-small-input (file->string "small-input_05"))
    (define small-answer-1 "CMZ")
    ;; workhorse, part 1
    (define (part-1 raw-input)
      (define-values (stacks moves) (sanitize-input raw-input))
      (proc-moves! stacks moves)
      (list->string (vector->list (vector-map first stacks))))
    ;; test that "workhorse, part 1" does as it should
    (check-equal? (part-1 raw-small-input) small-answer-1)
    (displayln (~a "part 1: " (part-1 raw-aoc-input)))

    And Part 2:

    Part 2
    (define (move-multiple-containers! stacks move)
      (define containers (take (vector-ref stacks (move-src move)) (move-amount move)))
      (vector-set! stacks (move-src move) (drop (vector-ref stacks (move-src move)) (move-amount move)))
      (vector-set! stacks (move-dst move) (append containers (vector-ref stacks (move-dst move)))))
    (define (proc-moves-2! stacks moves)
      (for ([m moves])
        (move-multiple-containers! stacks m)))
    ;; part 2
    (define small-answer-2 "MCD")
    (define (part-2 raw-input)
      (define-values (stacks moves) (sanitize-input raw-input))
      (proc-moves-2! stacks moves)
      (list->string (vector->list (vector-map first stacks))))
    (check-equal? (part-2 raw-small-input) small-answer-2)
    (displayln (~a "part 2: " (part-2 raw-aoc-input)))
    2 votes
  13. Comment on Day 4: Camp Cleanup in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This, I feel, went much better than day 03. Part 1 ;; function to make input usable (define (sanitize-input input) (for/list ([l (string-split input "\n")]) (parse-values l))) ;; take the small...

    This, I feel, went much better than day 03.

    Part 1
    ;; function to make input usable
    (define (sanitize-input input)
      (for/list ([l (string-split input "\n")])
        (parse-values l)))
    ;; take the small input from the text
    (define raw-small-input (file->string "small-input_04"))
    (define small-answer-1 2)
    (define small-input (sanitize-input raw-small-input))
    (define (process-line line)
      (define l (first line))
      (define r (second line))
      (if (or (and (<= (first l) (first r))
                   (>= (second l) (second r)))
              (and (>= (first l) (first r))
                   (<= (second l) (second r))))
    ;; workhorse, part 1
    (define (part-1 input)
      (for/fold ([acc 0]
                 #:result acc)
                ([l input])
        (if (process-line l)
            (add1 acc)

    And I'm quite proud of the overlap function. xD

    Part 2
    (define (overlap? line)
      (define l (first line))
      (define r (second line))
      (if (or (< (second l) (first r))
              (> (first l) (second r)))
    ;; part 2
    (define small-answer-2 4)
    (define (part-2 input)
      (for/fold ([acc 0]
                 #:result acc)
                ([l input])
        (if (overlap? l)
            (add1 acc)

    I know the destructuring in process-line and overlap? aren't necessary, but it was easier to think about, this way. :D

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Ah, sets make a lot of sense, didn't think of them. I went about it in a rather... procedural way, which felt dirty, but worked. xD Part 1 ;; sanitize-input gets called before part-1 (define...

    Ah, sets make a lot of sense, didn't think of them.

    I went about it in a rather... procedural way, which felt dirty, but worked. xD

    Part 1
    ;; sanitize-input gets called before part-1
    (define (sanitize-input raw-input)
      (for/list ([l (string-split raw-input "\n")])
        (define strlen (string-length l))
        (list ; return halves independently
         (string->list (substring l 0 (/ strlen 2)))
         (string->list (substring l (/ strlen 2))))))
    (define (char-mapper c)
      (if (char-lower-case? c)
          (- (char->integer c) (sub1 (char->integer #\a)))
          (+ 26 (- (char->integer c) (sub1 (char->integer #\A)) ))))
    (define (calculate-priority priorities)
      (for/fold ([acc 0])
                ([c priorities])
        (+ acc (char-mapper c))))
    (define (part-1 input)
      (define duplicates
        (for/list ([backpack input])
          (define h (make-hash))
          (for ([c (first backpack)])
            (hash-set! h c 1))
          (for/last ([c (second backpack)]
                     #:when (hash-has-key? h c))
      (calculate-priority duplicates))

    And part 2 also makes use of hash-maps a lot.

    Part 2
    ; each backpack gets a hash where the characters are mapped to 1
    (define (map-backpack backpack)
      (define h (make-hash))
      (map (lambda (c) (hash-set! h c 1)) (append (first backpack) (second backpack)))
    ; calculate the union of the hashes by combining the values with +
    ; which means that the key that has a value of 3 is the badge we're looking for
    (define (compare-backpack-maps backpack-maps)
      (apply hash-union! backpack-maps #:combine +)
      (define combined (first backpack-maps))
      (for/last ([k (in-hash-keys combined)]
                 #:when (= (hash-ref combined k) 3))
    ; split the backpacks into groups of three
    ; calculate the badge for the current group
    ; recursively calculate the badge for the next group
    (define (process-backpacks backpacks)
      (cond [(< (length backpacks) 3) empty]
            [else (define-values
                    (current-group other-groups)
                    (split-at backpacks 3))
                    (for/list ([b current-group])
                      (map-backpack b)))
                   (process-backpacks other-groups))]))
    ;; part 2
    (define small-answer-2 70)
    (define (part-2 input)
      (define badges (process-backpacks input))
      (calculate-priority badges))
    2 votes
  15. Comment on Day 1: Calorie Counting in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Oh, nice! That does make it much more readable. xD Thank you so much!

    Oh, nice! That does make it much more readable. xD

    Thank you so much!

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Day 1: Calorie Counting in ~comp

    Link Parent
    That's... much more elegant than what I did. From how the story went, I was sure there was going to be something more difficult for part two, so I set it up in a broader way, which then turned out...

    That's... much more elegant than what I did.

    From how the story went, I was sure there was going to be something more difficult for part two, so I set it up in a broader way, which then turned out to be unnecessary...

    Input parsing
    ;; function to make input usable
    (define (sanitize-input input)
      (define elf-strings (string-split input "\n\n"))
      (for/list ([e elf-strings])
        (define inventory (map string->number (string-split e "\n")))
        (elf (apply + inventory) inventory)
    ; returns a list of elves, each with their own inventory and the sum of calories as its own thing, for easy access

    Given that, parts one was actually a simple one-liner.

    Part 1
    (define (part-1 input)
      (elf-calories (argmax elf-calories input)))

    Part two was a bit more complicated, because I have to tell it how to sort the elves, but it's not rocket science.

    Part 2
    (define (part-2 input)
        (apply + (map elf-calories (take (sort input (lambda (a b) (> (elf-calories a) (elf-calories b)))) 3))))

    For starting with racket not all that long ago, I'm quite happy about how it turned out.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Timasomo 2022: Final Update Thread in ~creative

    I've also not gotten very far, turns out the difference between "things that are Arduino-compatible" and an RP2040 is... huge, when it comes to usability. I've come to appreciate what Arduino has...

    I've also not gotten very far, turns out the difference between "things that are Arduino-compatible" and an RP2040 is... huge, when it comes to usability. I've come to appreciate what Arduino has done for entering a field that seems so incredibly opaque (to someone who's done sysadmin and "above the kernel" programming work).

    I didn't manage to get my RP2040 to do what I thought it should do. Readouts of pins make no sense and don't correlate with what happens on those pins electrically, and I'm very confused.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on Timasomo 2022: Week 1 Update Thread in ~creative

    Got a bit stuck with trying to figure out why the capacitative sensor doesn't work correctly, but the gold-plated one does, so... :shrug: I'll go with that. I did manage to track a complete drying...

    Got a bit stuck with trying to figure out why the capacitative sensor doesn't work correctly, but the gold-plated one does, so... :shrug: I'll go with that.

    I did manage to track a complete drying cycle in one of the pots, turns out "dry" does not equal "dry", so I'll probably have to customize thresholds for when to water per plant. Which will take a while, so I don't think I'll manage all of that in the next two weeks.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Timasomo 2022: Roll Call in ~creative

  20. Comment on Timasomo 2022: Roll Call in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Off-the-shelf, I'm using one of the following, depending on what works better:

    Off-the-shelf, I'm using one of the following, depending on what works better:

    I'm actually not sure where exactly I got them from, but probably something like Pimoroni?

    1 vote