24 votes

Fish 4.0: The Fish of Theseus

1 comment

  1. xk3
    (edited )
    I'm super excited about the beta release! Thankful for the rpms here. Interesting work being done to "port" to Termux also in the works~ It's now easier than ever to contribute back to fish shell....

    I'm super excited about the beta release! Thankful for the rpms here. Interesting work being done to "port" to Termux also in the works~

    It's now easier than ever to contribute back to fish shell. Compiling rust fish is really fast after the first time you run cargo run!

    I'm enjoying the new alt-left, alt-right keybindings. Also you can add this to your config.fish to duplicate the argument to the left when pressing alt+, (similar to the alt+. binding which will duplicate previous command tokens):

    bind \e, kill-selection backward-kill-token yank yank

    This (ab)uses the kill-selection killring which is used in vi mode. (If you use vi mode you might need to replace it with another killring action that you don't use often). This is kind of a hack but I use it a lot! Super convenient!

    re 4.0b1: The only weird thing I've encountered so far is "commandline: -pxc: unknown option" when using the tab completions for virsh. edit: I think this was due to an old fzf.fish. After updating that I'm not able to reproduce the bug

    fish -c 'curl -sL https://git.io/fisher | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher patrickF1/fzf.fish jorgebucaran/autopair.fish'
    1 vote