15 votes Null Island: The busiest place that doesn’t exist Posted February 26 by Weldawadyathink Tags: null, geolocation, videos, minuteearth, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjvIpI-1w84&si=-N6P0_ECw1UWhhnw Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors MinuteEarth Duration 2:38 Published Jul 7 2016 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK Weldawadyathink (OP) February 26 Link In the spirit of the current NULL shenanigans, I thought I would share about Null Island. In the spirit of the current NULL shenanigans, I thought I would share about Null Island. 8 votes
Weldawadyathink (OP) February 26 Link In the spirit of the current NULL shenanigans, I thought I would share about Null Island. In the spirit of the current NULL shenanigans, I thought I would share about Null Island. 8 votes
In the spirit of the current NULL shenanigans, I thought I would share about Null Island.