7 votes

Welcome to Apple: A one-party state

1 comment

  1. JXM
    This is a really dense article (with a lot of good points) but the last paragraph jumped out at me: I disagree. They are more certain than ever in their decisions. They are more certain than ever...

    This is a really dense article (with a lot of good points) but the last paragraph jumped out at me:

    Life in Cook’s empire is certainly more prosperous now, but it is also less certain.

    I disagree. They are more certain than ever in their decisions. They are more certain than ever that every decision they make is right. Certain that they know better than their users, governments and developers. They’re just making the wrong decisions to many people on the outside.

    After all, consumers have become less willing to pay out for iteratively improved phones, so new ways of making money from the phones they already have must be found. The idea is to expand the Apple ecosystem so far that consumers never need to – or never can – leave it.

    This hits the nail on the head. This is what is driving all their decisions. How can they expand their services and make your life even more Apple-centric so that you keep throwing money at them and get locked in.

    I used to love Apple products because they didn’t bombard me with notifications that were ads, auto play videos in my face or throw up full screen ads for a credit card before. But over the last few years, they’ve added more and more of these inconveniences that I used their platform to escape.

    6 votes