freddy's recent activity

  1. Comment on "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla disappoints us yet again in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Always glad to hear stuff like this - thanks for sharing the site!

    Privacy Guides has been my first (and usually, last) stop when searching for quality privacy-and-security conscious apps. I recommend them every chance I get.

    Always glad to hear stuff like this - thanks for sharing the site!

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Privacy woes and autonomy, where do I go now? in ~tech

    Just read this article and it might speak to your condition: is privacy worth it?

    Just read this article and it might speak to your condition: is privacy worth it?

  3. Comment on What email client do you use? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thanks for sharing the site - always nice to see it being mentioned on here :)

    Thanks for sharing the site - always nice to see it being mentioned on here :)

    1 vote
  4. Comment on What email client do you use? in ~tech

    Privacy Guides (full disclosure: I'm a team member) has a list of recommended email clients. It isn't perfect - there are very few email clients on iOS that support PGP E2EE - but it should cover...

    Privacy Guides (full disclosure: I'm a team member) has a list of recommended email clients. It isn't perfect - there are very few email clients on iOS that support PGP E2EE - but it should cover most people's needs.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Fedi Garden to instance admins: “Block Threads to remain listed” in ~tech

  6. Comment on Most bingeable book series? in ~books

    Douglas Adams' trilogy (of five novels) is really rather bingeable. Not exactly a challenging read, unless you challenge yourself to read it without laughing.

    Douglas Adams' trilogy (of five novels) is really rather bingeable. Not exactly a challenging read, unless you challenge yourself to read it without laughing.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on You should connect to Tor via a VPN, actually in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The video essentially spawned out of a discussion on the Privacy Guides forum...

    The video essentially spawned out of a discussion on the Privacy Guides forum...

    9 votes
  8. Comment on You should connect to Tor via a VPN, actually in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thanks for using the site :)

    Thanks for using the site :)

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Mark Zuckerberg delivers on promise to pour 'gasoline' on Threads growth as the platform regains users while X shrinks in ~tech

    Link Parent
    This was my analysis at the time:

    This was my analysis at the time:

    The man behind Facebook has somehow managed to make the Twitter experience worse. Following people, a key part of the social media mogul's earlier ventures, is meaningless on Threads. You are beholden to its algorithm and who it reckons you will interact with. (Want to see what your mates are posting about? Tough, here's an 'Epic Meme from the official Salesforce account.') Your timeline isn't chronological either.
    Threads' naffness won't stop its success. It's data-scraping fluffily dressed up as substandard corporate twaddle. It's a cringe-inducing privacy invasion. It's not meant for users, but that doesn't really matter: you're not a user, you're a product.

    8 votes
  10. Comment on What is your preferred VPN? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the kind words!

    Thanks for the kind words!

    4 votes
  11. Comment on What is your preferred VPN? in ~comp

    Privacy Guides (full disclosure: I'm a team member) has a list of VPNs all of which should be able to fill your needs. The site isn't affiliated with any of the providers it recommends, which is...

    Privacy Guides (full disclosure: I'm a team member) has a list of VPNs all of which should be able to fill your needs. The site isn't affiliated with any of the providers it recommends, which is somewhat of a rarity.

    26 votes
  12. Comment on Tor’s shadowy reputation will only end if we all use it in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Only well-funded adversaries with the capability to passively watch most network traffic over the globe have a chance of deanonymizing Tor users by means of advanced traffic analysis. This doesn't...

    Only well-funded adversaries with the capability to passively watch most network traffic over the globe have a chance of deanonymizing Tor users by means of advanced traffic analysis. This doesn't discount the possibility of exposing yourself by mistake, such as if you share too much information about your real identity.

    1 vote