11 votes

Day 18: Operation Order

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/18

Join the Tildes private leaderboard! You can do that on this page, by entering join code 730956-de85ce0c.

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. JRandomHacker
    Literally textbook today - not that there's a problem with that. C# Part 1 public override string SolvePart1() { using (var fs = new StreamReader(Inputs.Year2020.Inputs2020.Input18)) { string...

    Literally textbook today - not that there's a problem with that.

    Part 1
    public override string SolvePart1()
    	using (var fs = new StreamReader(Inputs.Year2020.Inputs2020.Input18))
    		string line;
    		var results = new List<long>();
    		while ((line = fs.ReadLine()) != null)
    			var toShunt = line.Where(c => c != ' ').Select(c => new Token(c)).ToList();
    			var outputQueue = new Queue<Token>();
    			var shuntStack = new Stack<Token>();
    			for (int i = 0; i < toShunt.Count; i++)
    				switch (toShunt[i].Type)
    					case Token.TokenType.NUMBER:
    					case Token.TokenType.PAREN:
    						if (toShunt[i].Paren == Token.ParenType.LEFT)
    							//pop until paren, dispose
    							while (shuntStack.Peek().Type != Token.TokenType.PAREN)
    					case Token.TokenType.OPERATOR:
    						while (shuntStack.Count > 0 && shuntStack.Peek().Type == Token.TokenType.OPERATOR)
    						throw new Exception("malformed token");
    			while (shuntStack.Count > 0)
    			var mathStack = new Stack<long>();
    			while (outputQueue.Count > 0)
    				var next = outputQueue.Dequeue();
    				if (next.Type == Token.TokenType.NUMBER)
    					var opA = mathStack.Pop();
    					var opB = mathStack.Pop();
    					if (next.Operator == Token.OperatorType.PLUS)
    						mathStack.Push(opA + opB);
    						mathStack.Push(opA * opB);
    			if (mathStack.Count != 0)
    				throw new Exception("misparsed");
    		return $"Total sum is {results.Sum()}";
    Part 2
    public override string SolvePart2()
    	using (var fs = new StreamReader(Inputs.Year2020.Inputs2020.Input18))
    		string line;
    		var results = new List<long>();
    		while ((line = fs.ReadLine()) != null)
    			var toShunt = line.Where(c => c != ' ').Select(c => new Token(c)).ToList();
    			var outputQueue = new Queue<Token>();
    			var shuntStack = new Stack<Token>();
    			for (int i = 0; i < toShunt.Count; i++)
    				switch (toShunt[i].Type)
    					case Token.TokenType.NUMBER:
    					case Token.TokenType.PAREN:
    						if (toShunt[i].Paren == Token.ParenType.LEFT)
    							//pop until paren, dispose
    							while (shuntStack.Peek().Type != Token.TokenType.PAREN)
    					case Token.TokenType.OPERATOR:
    						while (shuntStack.Count > 0 && shuntStack.Peek().Type == Token.TokenType.OPERATOR
    							&& (shuntStack.Peek().Operator >= toShunt[i].Operator))
    						throw new Exception("malformed token");
    			while (shuntStack.Count > 0)
    			var mathStack = new Stack<long>();
    			while (outputQueue.Count > 0)
    				var next = outputQueue.Dequeue();
    				if (next.Type == Token.TokenType.NUMBER)
    					var opA = mathStack.Pop();
    					var opB = mathStack.Pop();
    					if (next.Operator == Token.OperatorType.PLUS)
    						mathStack.Push(opA + opB);
    						mathStack.Push(opA * opB);
    			if (mathStack.Count != 0)
    				throw new Exception("misparsed");
    		return $"Total sum is {results.Sum()}";
    public class Token
    	public enum TokenType
    	public enum OperatorType
    		PLUS = 1,
    		TIMES = 0
    	public enum ParenType
    	public TokenType Type { get; }
    	public long Value { get; }
    	public OperatorType Operator { get; }
    	public ParenType Paren { get; }
    	public Token(char c)
    		switch (c)
    			case '(':
    				Type = TokenType.PAREN;
    				Paren = ParenType.LEFT;
    			case ')':
    				Type = TokenType.PAREN;
    				Paren = ParenType.RIGHT;
    			case '+':
    				Type = TokenType.OPERATOR;
    				Operator = OperatorType.PLUS;
    			case '*':
    				Type = TokenType.OPERATOR;
    				Operator = OperatorType.TIMES;
    				Type = TokenType.NUMBER;
    				Value = c - '0';
    Commentary This was literally just implementing the shunting-yard algorithm based off the wiki article. I can't really complain, though - I've never actually _done_ it before, and it's a neat process to watch the way everything lines up in the end. I wonder if there's any part of this that should go in the Future AoC Library that I should really get around to making...

    Today was another day of having a better part 2 leaderboard ranking than part 1, which I'm always proud of.

    5 votes
  2. PapaNachos
    (edited )
    I ran into a bug that only effected 4 of my equations and was very hard to track down. I had to run someone else's per-equation answers through diffchecker to even figure out why the fuck my...

    I ran into a bug that only effected 4 of my equations and was very hard to track down. I had to run someone else's per-equation answers through diffchecker to even figure out why the fuck my answer wasn't correct. More on the specifics in the spoilery parts.

    I'm legitimately impressed with how small some people can make these solvers.

    Tonight's eurobeat is DEJA VU

    Day 17 Part A – Python

    Basically I run my parenthesis method on every row. What parenthesis does is it looks for pairs of parenthesis and then sends the internals over to my string_solve method, which handles reading through a string using the new order of operations. Then it swaps in the the solution in place of the old parenthesis and checks again. It keeps going like that until there are no more parenthesis.

    Once all the parenthesis have been dealt with, it sends all the remaining parts to string_solve one last time, and that's the answer

    Basically everything finds a small portion of the equation that it knows how to deal with, the it simplifies it and runs replace to swap the more complex version out for the simpler version

    The bug that was taking forever to solve was that my 'replace' functions didn't have the 'DO THIS ONLY ONCE' command, so in some rare cases (4, I counted). It would swap out multiple portions of the equation... which fucked up the result but didn't cause any errors.

    import re
    #data = test_data.split('\n')
    data = input_data.split('\n')
    pattern = re.compile('\((.+)\)')
    pattern2 = re.compile('\(([\d+*\s]+)\)')
    pattern3 = re.compile('(\d+)\s([+*])\s(\d+)')
    def parenthesis(equation):
        while True:
            matches = pattern2.findall(equation)
            if len(matches) > 0:
                for match in matches:
                    equation = equation.replace('(' + match + ')', string_solve(match),1)
                equation = string_solve(equation)
        return equation
    def string_solve(equation): 
        while True:
            match = pattern3.search(equation)
            if match is not None:
                left = match.group(1)
                right = match.group(3)
                symbol = match.group(2)
                if symbol == '+':
                    equation = equation.replace(str(match.group(0)), str(int(left) + int(right)),1)
                elif symbol == '*':
                    equation = equation.replace(str(match.group(0)), str(int(left) * int(right)),1)
                    print('Something fucked up')
        return equation
    running_sum = 0
    for row in data:
        running_sum = running_sum + int(parenthesis(row))
    Day 17 Part B – Python

    This basically works the same way as part A, but I add a new regex pattern and do all the '+'s before the '*'s in string_solve

    import re
    #data = test_data.split('\n')
    data = input_data.split('\n')
    pattern = re.compile('\((.+)\)')
    pattern2 = re.compile('\(([\d+*\s]+)\)')
    pattern3 = re.compile('(\d+)\s([+])\s(\d+)')
    pattern4 = re.compile('(\d+)\s([*])\s(\d+)')
    def parenthesis(equation):
        while True:
            matches = pattern2.findall(equation)
            if len(matches) > 0:
                for match in matches:
                    equation = equation.replace('(' + match + ')', string_solve(match),1)
                equation = string_solve(equation)
        return equation
    def string_solve(equation): 
        while True:
            match = pattern3.search(equation)
            if match is not None:
                left = match.group(1)
                right = match.group(3)
                equation = equation.replace(str(match.group(0)), str(int(left) + int(right)),1)
        while True:
            match = pattern4.search(equation)
            if match is not None:
                left = match.group(1)
                right = match.group(3)
                equation = equation.replace(str(match.group(0)), str(int(left) * int(right)),1)
        return equation
    running_sum = 0
    for row in data:
        #print(int(parenthesis(row)), '=', row)
        running_sum = running_sum + int(parenthesis(row))
    Tips and Commentary
    • There are very simple (minimal code required, as opposed to easy) ways to solve this one, if you take advantage of some of the built in functions for your preferred language

    • You may have an easier time if you subdivide the tasks of 'dealing with parenthesis' and 'doing the actual math'

    • If you're having trouble with your results, it may help to compare to a 'known good'. For example, some of my equations weren't active properly, but I couldn't figure out which ones, because all the ones I validated by hand came back correct. So I used someone else's method to calculate all the individual equations and compared it to my results. That helped me isolate the few equations that were giving me trouble. This method can be extremely viable in the 'real world' but that depends on the nature of the work you're doing

    • If you end up swapping around portions of your equations using something like python's replace method, be careful that you're only swapping out what you want to, and not grabbing anything extra by mistake. For example, one of my equations looked like this:

    2 + 2 + 8 * 4 + (4 + 4) * 5
    2 + 2 + 8 * 4 + 8 * 5
    4 + 8 * 4 + 8 * 5
    12 * 12 * 5
    144 * 5

    When it should have looked like this:

    2 + 2 + 8 * 4 + (4 + 4) * 5
    2 + 2 + 8 * 4 + 8 * 5
    4 + 8 * 4 + 8 * 5
    12 * 4 + 8 * 5
    48 + 8 * 5
    56 * 5
    • When you're in the testing phase, you may find it helpful to print out the trace of your equation, to help make sure it's behaving properly
    5 votes
  3. pnutzh4x0r
    (edited )
    Python Repo Link Part 1 This took me a lot longer than I had hoped... I started off by doing a recursive descent parser and a recursive evaluator and that worked fine for Part 1 and can be seen...


    Repo Link

    Part 1

    This took me a lot longer than I had hoped... I started off by doing a recursive descent parser and a recursive evaluator and that worked fine for Part 1 and can be seen here. Unfortunately, Part 2 requires precedence and I didn't know how to do that with recursive descent...

    So after hours of trying all sorts of random things, I took the hint from @JRandomHacker and looked up the Shunting-yard algorithm and decided to go with that since I do know how to evaluate RPN expressions. So long story short, I use the algorithm to convert the infix expression into an RPN/postfix expression and then evaluate it.

    import sys
    # Constants
    OPERATORS = ('+', '*')
    PARENS    = ('(', ')')
    # Functions
    def parse_expression(tokens):
        ''' Parse expression from infix to RPN '''
        queue = []
        stack = []
        while tokens:
            token = tokens.pop(0)
            if token.isdigit():
            elif token == '(':
            elif token == ')':
                while stack[-1] not in PARENS:
            elif token in OPERATORS:
                while stack and stack[-1] in OPERATORS:
        while stack and stack[-1] in OPERATORS:
        return queue
    def evaluate(expression):
        ''' Evaluate RPN expression '''
        stack = []
        while expression:
            token = expression.pop(0)
            if token in OPERATORS:
                operand2 = stack.pop()
                operand1 = stack.pop()
                result   = operand1 + operand2 if token == '+' else operand1 * operand2
                result   = token
        return stack[0]
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        total = 0
        for line in sys.stdin:
            tokens     = [token for token in line if not token.isspace()]
            expression = parse_expression(tokens)
            evaluation = evaluate(expression)
            total     += evaluation
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 (diff)

    Once the Shunting-yard algorithm was in place, all I had to do for Part 2 was add an additional condition to ensure I move operators from the operators stack only if they have greater or equal precedence to the current token. Fortunately for me, '+' > '*', so I didn't have to anything special for this comparison.

    --- day18-A.py	2020-12-18 10:05:31.793332016 -0500
    +++ day18-B.py	2020-12-18 10:06:02.304385426 -0500
    @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
             elif token in OPERATORS:
    -            while stack and stack[-1] in OPERATORS:
    +            while stack and stack[-1] in OPERATORS and stack[-1] >= token:
    Part 1 (Recursive Descent)

    After getting some sleep, I decided to lookup how to handle operator precedence and association with recursive descent and found that an Operator-precedence parser isn't too bad (I just didn't know about it). Below is a working solution for Part 1 and 2 using this approach.

    import collections
    import sys
    # Constants
        '+' : 1,
        '*' : 1,
    # Structures
    Node = collections.namedtuple('Node', 'op lhs rhs')
    # Functions
    def parse_primary(tokens):
        if tokens[0] == '(':
            primary = parse_expression(tokens)
            primary = tokens.pop(0)
        return primary
    def parse_expression(tokens, precedence=0):
        lhs = parse_primary(tokens)
        while tokens and PRECEDENCE.get(tokens[0], -1) >= precedence:
            op  = tokens.pop(0)
            rhs = parse_expression(tokens, PRECEDENCE[op] + 1)
            lhs = Node(op, lhs, rhs)
        return lhs
    def evaluate(expression):
        if isinstance(expression, str):
            return int(expression)
        if expression.op == '+':
            return evaluate(expression.lhs) + evaluate(expression.rhs)
            return evaluate(expression.lhs) * evaluate(expression.rhs)
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        total = 0
        for line in sys.stdin:
            tokens     = [token for token in line if not token.isspace()]
            expression = parse_expression(tokens)
            evaluation = evaluate(expression)
            total     += evaluation
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 (Recursive Descent, Diff)

    Once again, Part 2 was just a minor change. In this case, I just made '+' a higher precedence in the table and the algorithm does the rest!

    --- day18-A-RD.py       2020-12-18 10:54:10.350018800 -0500
    +++ day18-B-RD.py       2020-12-18 10:54:18.862029743 -0500
    @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     # Constants
    -    '+' : 1,
    +    '+' : 2,
         '*' : 1,
    3 votes
  4. nothis
    Fucking hell. Once again, I initially got stuck on a parenthesis bug that that only happened with a particular arrangement not present in the test examples. I tracked it down by trying a bunch of...

    Fucking hell. Once again, I initially got stuck on a parenthesis bug that that only happened with a particular arrangement not present in the test examples. I tracked it down by trying a bunch of simple equations and eventually found that "(1 + ((1 + 1 + 1)) + 1)" equaled 4.

    I guess part 2 was rather simple if you set it up correctly but, of course, I didn't. My solution is an ugly mess of recursively splitting up the expression until I can get a few blocks of additions that are multiplied at the end. I think I assume that numbers don't include zeroes and other silly stuff like that. I think I now need to look up other people's solutions to see how to do this sanely.

    Part 1+2
    import re
    with open("input.txt") as input_file:
        expressions = [re.findall(r'(\d|\+|\*|\(|\))', expression)
                       for expression in input_file.read().split("\n")]
    def operation(a, b, operator):
        if operator == "+":
            return int(a) + int(b)
        if operator == "*":
            return int(a) * int(b)
    def calculate(expression, plus_before_minus):
        open_parentheses = 0
        closed_parantheses = 0
        sub_expression = []
        operator = ""
        results = [0] * 10
        block = 0
        for part in expression:
            if open_parentheses > 0:
                # while stuck in a parenthesis block
                if part == ")":
                    closed_parantheses += 1
                if open_parentheses == closed_parantheses:
                    open_parentheses = 0
                    closed_parantheses = 0
                    if not results[block]:
                        results[block] = calculate(
                            sub_expression, plus_before_minus)
                        results[block] = operation(results[block],
                                                   calculate(sub_expression, plus_before_minus), operator)
                    sub_expression = []
                    sub_expression += [part]
            elif part.isnumeric():
                # if not in parenthesis hell
                if not results[block]:
                    results[block] = int(part)
                    results[block] = operation(results[block], part, operator)
            elif part == "+" or part == "*":
                operator = part
                # split result in blocks to multiply at the end
                if plus_before_minus and operator == "*":
                    block += 1
            if part == "(":
                open_parentheses += 1
        # multiply blocks
        product = 1
        for result in results:
            if result:
                product *= result
        return product
    def calculate_all(expressions, plus_before_minus):
        results = 0
        for expression in expressions:
            results += calculate(expression, plus_before_minus)
        return results
    print("Without precedence:", calculate_all(expressions, False))
    print("With precedence:", calculate_all(expressions, True))
    2 votes
  5. Gyrfalcon
    (edited )
    This one was (is?) tough for me. I'm sure it's as textbook as some others have said but my knowledge here is primarily of the informal sort. Either way, I went for a recursive solution for part 1,...

    This one was (is?) tough for me. I'm sure it's as textbook as some others have said but my knowledge here is primarily of the informal sort. Either way, I went for a recursive solution for part 1, but it's getting late, so I'll come back with part 2 tomorrow.

    EDIT: Part 2 was much easier than I thought, but I ended up not able to get to it until today. Playing catch up now!

    Part 1
    function main()
        input = []
        open("Day18/input.txt") do fp
            input = clean_input.(readlines(fp))
    function clean_input(line)
        return_line = Array{Any}([letter for letter in line if letter != ' '])
        for idx = 1:length(return_line)
            if match(r"[()+*]", string(return_line[idx])) == nothing
                return_line[idx] = parse(Int, return_line[idx])
        return return_line
    function eval_expression(line)
        if length(line) < 3
            return line[1]
        elseif line[1] == '('
            close = find_paren_match(line[2:end], 0)
            return eval_expression([eval_expression(line[2:close])...,
        elseif line[3] == '('
            close = find_paren_match(line[4:end], 2)
            return eval_expression([line[1:2]...,
        elseif line[2] == '+'
            return eval_expression([line[1] + line[3], line[4:end]...])
        elseif line[2] == '*'
            return eval_expression([line[1] * line[3], line[4:end]...])
    function find_paren_match(line, offset)
        paren_count = 1
        for (idx,character) in enumerate(line)
            if character == '('
                paren_count += 1
            elseif character == ')'
                paren_count -= 1
            if paren_count == 0
                return idx + offset
    Part 2 Diff
    @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ function main()
    +    println(sum(eval_expression2.(input)))
     function clean_input(line)
    @@ -38,6 +40,27 @@ function eval_expression(line)
    +function eval_expression2(line)
    +    if length(line) < 3
    +        return line[1]
    +    elseif line[1] == '('
    +        close = find_paren_match(line[2:end], 0)
    +        return eval_expression2([eval_expression2(line[2:close])...,
    +                                line[close+2:end]...])
    +    elseif line[3] == '('
    +        close = find_paren_match(line[4:end], 2)
    +        return eval_expression2([line[1:2]...,
    +                                eval_expression2(line[4:close])...,
    +                                line[close+2:end]...])
    +    elseif line[2] == '+'
    +        return eval_expression2([line[1] + line[3], line[4:end]...])
    +    elseif line[2] == '*' && length(line) >= 4 && line[4] != '+'
    +        return eval_expression2([line[1] * line[3], line[4:end]...])
    +    else
    +        return line[1] * eval_expression2(line[3:end])
    +    end
     function find_paren_match(line, offset)
         paren_count = 1
         for (idx,character) in enumerate(line)
    1 vote
  6. jzimbel
    (edited )
    Elixir I took a while on this one because I really wanted to find a way to do all the work in one pass, but part 2 made that too messy by having two different ways of changing evaluation order...


    I took a while on this one because I really wanted to find a way to do all the work in one pass, but part 2 made that too messy by having two different ways of changing evaluation order (parens and *). So I ended up processing each expression in two passes: first, convert each line to a list of values, where

    value ::
      | ?0..?9
      | ?+
      | ?*
      | list(value)

    ? is a convenience operator to get the ascii codepoint of a given character. ?a == 97
    The nested lists represent quantities (parenthetical expressions).

    From there I have a recursive function that processes the expression one value at a time and calls itself whenever it finds a quantity.

    For part 2, the only difference was that whenever we find a * we evaluate everything to the right of it first before evaluating the multiplication. In order to avoid copy-pasting a bunch of the same code from my part 1 evaluator I just added a flag argument to the function so that it can know whether it's evaluating part 1 vs part 2 and act accordingly when it sees a *.

    A small trick to avoid needing special logic for the start of the evaluation was to prepend each expression with 0 + . This made it so the evaluator could always perform an operation as soon as it found a numerical value—even if the expression started with a number n, it would be treated as 0 + n which could be evaluated immediately. You can see this in action with the default argument of {0, &+/2} for evaluate/3's accumulator.

    Parts 1 and 2
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Day18 do
      def part1(args) do
        |> parse_input()
        |> Enum.map(&evaluate(&1, :p1))
        |> Enum.sum()
      def part2(args) do
        |> parse_input()
        |> Enum.map(&evaluate(&1, :p2))
        |> Enum.sum()
      defp parse_input(input) do
        |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
        |> Enum.map(&String.replace(&1, " ", ""))
        |> Enum.map(&String.to_charlist/1)
        |> Enum.map(&nest_quantities/1)
      defp nest_quantities(expr, acc \\ [])
      defp nest_quantities([], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc)
      defp nest_quantities([?) | rest], acc) do
        {Enum.reverse(acc), rest}
      defp nest_quantities([?( | rest], acc) do
        {quantity, rest} = nest_quantities(rest)
        nest_quantities(rest, [quantity | acc])
      defp nest_quantities([char | rest], acc) do
        nest_quantities(rest, [char | acc])
      defp evaluate(expr, acc \\ {0, &+/2}, p_flag)
      defp evaluate([n | expr], {l, op}, p_flag) when n in ?0..?9 do
        evaluate(expr, {op.(l, n - ?0), nil}, p_flag)
      defp evaluate([?+ | expr], {l, _}, p_flag) do
        evaluate(expr, {l, &+/2}, p_flag)
      defp evaluate([?* | expr], {l, _}, :p1) do
        evaluate(expr, {l, &*/2}, :p1)
      defp evaluate([?* | expr], {l, _}, :p2) do
        l * evaluate(expr, :p2)
      defp evaluate([quantity | expr], {l, op}, p_flag) when is_list(quantity) do
        evaluate(expr, {op.(l, evaluate(quantity, p_flag)), nil}, p_flag)
      defp evaluate([], {n, _}, _), do: n
    1 vote