8 votes

Day 23: Crab Cups

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/23

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<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. [3]
    So part one was rather straightforward: Part 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import re def print_cups(cups, current_index): r = '' for i, c in enumerate(cups): if i == 0: if current_index == 0: r +=...

    So part one was rather straightforward:

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import re
    def print_cups(cups, current_index):
        r = ''
        for i, c in enumerate(cups):
            if i == 0:
                if current_index == 0:
                    r += f'({c})'
                    r += f'{c}'
            elif i == current_index:
                r += f' ({c})'
                r += f' {c}'
        return r
    cups = [int(c) for c in open('./input', 'r').read().strip()]
    #cups = open('./example_input', 'r').read()
    current_index = 0
    for move in range(1, 101):
        print(f'-- move {move:03d} --')
        print(f'cups: {print_cups(cups, current_index)}')
        cur_label = cups[current_index]
        # pick up three cups clockwise of the current cup
        pickup = []
        popindex = (current_index + 1) % len(cups)
        if popindex != 0:
            popindex = (current_index + 1) % len(cups)
        if popindex != 0:
            popindex = (current_index + 1) % len(cups)
        print(f'pick up: {pickup}')
        # select destination cup:
        dest_label = cur_label - 1
        if dest_label < min(cups):
            dest_label = max(cups)
        while dest_label in pickup:
            dest_label -= 1
            if dest_label < min(cups):
                dest_label = max(cups)
        print(f'destination: {dest_label}')
        # place cups immediately to the right of destination cup
        dest_index = cups.index(dest_label)
        cups.insert(dest_index + 1, pickup.pop(-1))
        cups.insert(dest_index + 1, pickup.pop(-1))
        cups.insert(dest_index + 1, pickup.pop(-1))
        # choose new cup
        current_index = (cups.index(cur_label) + 1) % len(cups)
    start = cups.index(1)
    cups = cups[start + 1:] + cups[:start]
    print('-- final --')
    print(f'cups! {"".join([str(c) for c in cups])}')

    But part two...

    spoiler? it'll take about 66h for me to get the result, according to my simple calculations. I've tried to figure out whether something repeats, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Taking only small slices also doesn't work, because you have to put stuff at the very end of the array rather early on, when cup '1' gets chosen, and the destination cup wraps around to the end... I'm not sure how to do this right.
    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Spoiler: hint As I described in my solution, the main bottleneck is in the linear search to locate the destination cup. So the line you want to address is dest_index = cups.index(dest_label) which...
      Spoiler: hint

      As I described in my solution, the main bottleneck is in the linear search to locate the destination cup. So the line you want to address is dest_index = cups.index(dest_label) which searches the whole list each time to find the destination. You can speed this up by keeping a dictionary that tells you the index of a particular label {label: index}. This would be a constant time lookup and should speedup your code significantly.

      3 votes
      1. thorondir
        Link Parent
        Thank you! That definitely helped, but it would still have taken too long. So I did that and then some. xD Spoiler Slicing and dicing arrays is not good for performance, when we're talking 1M...

        Thank you!
        That definitely helped, but it would still have taken too long.
        So I did that and then some. xD

        Spoiler Slicing and dicing arrays is not good for performance, when we're talking 1M arrays, because i'd have to update the mapping every iteration: I'm shifting around most of the array by three positions. So I ended up writing a doubly-linked list, and that did the trick. Still not super fast, and definitely not pretty, but it works.

        I'll clean it up a bit, then post it too.

        Edit: I saw that you used a singly linked ring-buffer, which is even cleaner, and definitely less code to get wrong. xD

        1 vote
  2. pnutzh4x0r
    Python Repo Link Part 1 The problem for today wasn't too bad... but it still took me a while because I had to implement a circularly linked list in Python, which I've never done before (I have in...


    Repo Link

    Part 1

    The problem for today wasn't too bad... but it still took me a while because I had to implement a circularly linked list in Python, which I've never done before (I have in C/C++, but never in Python). Once I had the data structure working though, it was pretty straightforward to implement the rules of the game.

    # Classes
    class Cup:
        def __init__(self, label, right=None):
            self.label = int(label)
            self.right = right
        def push(self, label):
            self.right = Cup(label, self.right if self.right else self)
            return self.right
        def pop(self):
            right      = self.right
            self.right = self.right.right
            return right.label
        def __str__(self):
            return f'{self.label}'
    # Functions
    def link_cups(labels):
        head    = Cup(labels.pop(0))
        current = head
        for label in labels:
            current = current.push(label)
        return head
    def dump_cups(head):
        cups    = [f'({head})']
        current = head.right
        while current != head:
            current = current.right
        return ' '.join(cups)
    def find_cup(head, target):
        while head.label != target:
            head = head.right
        return head
    def find_max(head):
        maximum = head.label
        current = head.right
        while current != head:
            if current.label > maximum:
                maximum = current.label
            current = current.right
        return maximum
    def play_game(cups, moves=100):
        current = cups
        for move in range(1, moves + 1):
            print(f'\n-- move {move} --')
            print(f'cups:', dump_cups(current))
            # Pick up three cups immediately clockwise of current cup
            three_cups = [current.pop(), current.pop(), current.pop()]
            print(f'pick up:', ' '.join(map(str, three_cups)))
            # Select destination cup, where label is equal to current cup's label - 1
            destination_label = current.label - 1
            # Make sure destination isn't in one of three cups
            while destination_label in three_cups:
                destination_label -= 1
            # If destnation is below lowest value (1), then wrap to highest in remaining cups
            if destination_label == 0:
                destination_label = find_max(current)
            # Place cups after destination
            destination = find_cup(current, destination_label)
            print(f'destination: {destination}')
            for label in three_cups:
                destination = destination.push(label)
            # Advance to next cup
            current = current.right
        return current
    def order_cups(cups):
        first = find_cup(cups, 1)
        return ''.join(dump_cups(first).split()[1:])
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        #cups = link_cups(list('389125467'))
        cups = link_cups(list('193467258'))
        cups = play_game(cups)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 (diff)

    The second part was also straightforward. The main changes were adding more cups to the initial list and using a hash table / map to keep track of where the cups are. The reason for this is that you need to locate the destination cup in order to insert the three cups you extracted. In Part 1, I used a simple linear search that scanned the whole list to find this cup. With one million cups, however, a linear search is really slow, so I used a dictionary to map the cup's label to its actual object. With this dictionary in place, I could find the destination cup in constant time.

    I could have also optimized find_max, which is still linear, but since it wasn't called often, I decided to leave it be. In the end, my second part took about one minute to run (after I removed all print statements).

    --- day23-A.py	2020-12-23 10:35:12.511615829 -0500
    +++ day23-B.py	2020-12-23 10:48:37.059680740 -0500
    @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
         current = head
         for label in labels:
             current = current.push(label)
    +    for label in range(10, 1000000 + 1):
    +        current = current.push(label)
         return head
     def dump_cups(head):
    @@ -57,16 +61,23 @@
         return maximum
    -def play_game(cups, moves=100):
    +def make_map(head):
    +    mapping = {head.label: head}
    +    current = head.right
    +    while current != head:
    +        mapping[current.label] = current
    +        current = current.right
    +    return mapping
    +def play_game(cups, moves=10000000):
         current = cups
    +    mapping = make_map(cups)
         for move in range(1, moves + 1):
    -        print(f'\n-- move {move} --')
    -        print(f'cups:', dump_cups(current))
             # Pick up three cups immediately clockwise of current cup
             three_cups = [current.pop(), current.pop(), current.pop()]
    -        print(f'pick up:', ' '.join(map(str, three_cups)))
             # Select destination cup, where label is equal to current cup's label - 1
             destination_label = current.label - 1
    @@ -80,21 +91,20 @@
                 destination_label = find_max(current)
             # Place cups after destination
    -        destination = find_cup(current, destination_label)
    +        destination = mapping[destination_label]
    -        print(f'destination: {destination}')
             for label in three_cups:
    -            destination = destination.push(label)
    +            destination    = destination.push(label)
    +            mapping[label] = destination
             # Advance to next cup
             current = current.right
         return current
    -def order_cups(cups):
    +def two_cups(cups):
         first = find_cup(cups, 1)
    -    return ''.join(dump_cups(first).split()[1:])
    +    return first.right.label * first.right.right.label
     # Main Execution
    @@ -103,7 +113,7 @@
         cups = link_cups(list('193467258'))
         cups = play_game(cups)
    -    print(order_cups(cups))
    +    print(two_cups(cups))
     if __name__ == '__main__':
    2 votes
  3. wycy
    (edited )
    Rust Hint (SPOILERS) The trick to this one is setting up your cups in a data structure that facilitates quick lookups of the cups and fast changes to the order. I did a similar problem one AoC...


    Hint (SPOILERS) The trick to this one is setting up your cups in a data structure that facilitates quick lookups of the cups and fast changes to the order. I did a similar problem one AoC year using linked lists. This year I'm just using a regular Vector, but rather than reordering the elements in the vector each iteration, I just keep track of which elements are CW and CCW of each other element.
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self};
    const NUM_CUPS_P1: usize = 9;
    const NUM_CUPS_P2: usize = 1_000_000;
    struct Cup {
        cw: usize,
        ccw: usize,
    fn part1(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let cups_order = std::fs::read_to_string(input)
            .expect("Input file not found.")
            .map(|c| c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as usize)
        let mut cups = vec![Cup {cw: 0, ccw: 0}; NUM_CUPS_P1+1];
        // Initialize cups
        // cups[0] is dead
        for ix in 0..NUM_CUPS_P1 {
            let label = cups_order[ix];
            let ixp1 = if ix+1 == NUM_CUPS_P1 { 0 } else { ix + 1 };
            let ixm1 = if ix   == 0 { NUM_CUPS_P1-1 } else { ix - 1};
            cups[label].cw  = cups_order[ixp1];
            cups[label].ccw = cups_order[ixm1];
        let mut current = cups_order[0];
        let mut destination;
        for _ in 0..100 {
            let selected = [
            destination = current - 1;
            if destination == 0 { destination = NUM_CUPS_P1; }
            'dest_lp: loop {
                if destination != selected[0] &&
                   destination != selected[1] &&
                   destination != selected[2] { break 'dest_lp;
                } else {
                    destination -= 1;
                    if destination == 0 { destination = NUM_CUPS_P1; }
            // Split 3 cups out of chain
            let chain_cw_save = cups[selected[2]].cw; // clockwise end of 3 cup chain
            cups[chain_cw_save].ccw = current;
            cups[current].cw = chain_cw_save;
            // Insert 3 cups
            let dest_cw_save = cups[destination].cw;
            cups[destination].cw = selected[0];
            cups[selected[0]].ccw = destination;
            cups[selected[2]].cw = dest_cw_save;
            cups[dest_cw_save].ccw = selected[2];
            current = cups[current].cw;
        // Build answer string
        let mut ans: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
        let mut next = cups[1].cw;
        for _ in 0..NUM_CUPS_P1-1 {
            next = cups[next].cw;
        let ans = ans.iter().map(|x| format!("{}",x)).collect::<String>();
        println!("Part 1: {}", ans); // 26354798
    fn part2(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let cups_order = std::fs::read_to_string(input)
            .expect("Input file not found.")
            .map(|c| c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as usize)
        let mut cups = vec![Cup {cw: 0, ccw: 0}; NUM_CUPS_P2+1];
        // Initialize cups
        // cups[0] is dead
        for ix in 0..NUM_CUPS_P1 {
            let label = cups_order[ix];
            let ixp1 = if ix+1 == NUM_CUPS_P1 { NUM_CUPS_P1+1 } else { cups_order[ix+1] };
            let ixm1 = if ix   == 0 { NUM_CUPS_P2 } else { cups_order[ix-1] };
            cups[label].cw  = ixp1;
            cups[label].ccw = ixm1;
        for ix in NUM_CUPS_P1+1..=NUM_CUPS_P2 {
            let label = ix;
            let ixp1 = if ix+1 == NUM_CUPS_P2+1 { cups_order[0] } else { ix + 1 };
            let ixm1 = if ix-1 == NUM_CUPS_P1 { cups_order[NUM_CUPS_P1-1] } else { ix - 1 };
            cups[label].cw  = ixp1;
            cups[label].ccw = ixm1;
        let mut current = cups_order[0];
        let mut destination;
        for _ in 0..10_000_000 {
            let selected = [
            destination = current - 1;
            if destination == 0 { destination = NUM_CUPS_P2; }
            'dest_lp: loop {
                if destination != selected[0] &&
                   destination != selected[1] &&
                   destination != selected[2] { break 'dest_lp;
                } else {
                    destination -= 1;
                    if destination == 0 { destination = NUM_CUPS_P2; }
            // Split 3 cups out of chain
            let chain_cw_save = cups[selected[2]].cw; // clockwise end of 3 cup chain
            cups[chain_cw_save].ccw = current;
            cups[current].cw = chain_cw_save;
            // Insert 3 cups
            let dest_cw_save = cups[destination].cw;
            cups[destination].cw = selected[0];
            cups[selected[0]].ccw = destination;
            cups[selected[2]].cw = dest_cw_save;
            cups[dest_cw_save].ccw = selected[2];
            current = cups[current].cw;
        let cup1 = cups[1].cw;
        let cup2 = cups[cups[1].cw].cw;
        let part2 = cup1 * cup2;
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2); // 166298218695
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    1 vote
  4. JRandomHacker
    Crab game go brrrrrrr C# Part 1 public override string SolvePart1() { var input = "198753462"; var cups = input.Select(c => c - '0').ToList(); var currIdx = 0; var temp = new int[3]; for (int i =...

    Crab game go brrrrrrr


    Part 1
    public override string SolvePart1()
    	var input = "198753462";
    	var cups = input.Select(c => c - '0').ToList();
    	var currIdx = 0;
    	var temp = new int[3];
    	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    		var curr = cups[currIdx];
    		temp[0] = cups[(currIdx + 1) % 9];
    		temp[1] = cups[(currIdx + 2) % 9];
    		temp[2] = cups[(currIdx + 3) % 9];
    		var target = curr == 1 ? 9 : curr - 1;
    		while (temp.Contains(target))
    			target = target == 1 ? 9 : target - 1;
    		cups.InsertRange(cups.IndexOf(target) + 1, temp);
    		currIdx = (cups.IndexOf(curr) + 1) % 9;
    	return $"Final order: {new string(cups.Select(i => (char)(i + '0')).ToArray())}";
    Part 2
    public override string SolvePart2()
    	var input = "198753462";
    	var cups = new CircularlyLinkedList(1000000);
    	int populate = 0;
    	foreach (var c in input)
    		cups._buf[populate] = new CircularlyLinkedList.ListNode(c - '0');
    	for(; populate < 1000000; populate++)
    		cups._buf[populate] = new CircularlyLinkedList.ListNode(populate + 1);
    	var cupsHash = new Dictionary<int, CircularlyLinkedList.ListNode>();
    	foreach (var n in cups._buf)
    		cupsHash.Add(n.Payload, n);
    	var one = cupsHash[1];
    	var curr = cups.Head;
    	for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
    		var temp = cups.RemoveMultipleAfter(curr, 3);
    		var targetLabel = curr.Payload == 1 ? 1000000 : curr.Payload - 1;
    		while (targetLabel == temp.Payload || targetLabel == temp.Next.Payload || targetLabel == temp.Next.Next.Payload)
    			targetLabel = targetLabel == 1 ? 1000000 : targetLabel - 1;
    		var target = cupsHash[targetLabel];
    		cups.InsertMultipleAfter(target, temp, temp.Next.Next);
    		curr = curr.Next;
    		if (i % 100000 == 0)
    			Console.WriteLine($"Completed {i} rounds");
    	long star1 = one.Next.Payload;
    	long star2 = one.Next.Next.Payload;
    	return $"Stars are {star1} and {star2} = {star1 * star2}";
    public class CircularlyLinkedList
    	public class ListNode
    		public ListNode Next { get; set; }
    		public ListNode Back { get; set; }
    		public int Payload { get; }
    		public ListNode(int p)
    			Payload = p;
    	public ListNode[] _buf { get; }
    	public ListNode Head { get; set; }
    	public CircularlyLinkedList(int capacity)
    		_buf = new ListNode[capacity];
    	public void Initialize()
    		for(int i = 1; i < _buf.Length - 1; i++)
    			_buf[i].Next = _buf[i + 1];
    			_buf[i].Back = _buf[i - 1];
    		_buf[0].Next = _buf[1];
    		_buf[0].Back = _buf[^1];
    		_buf[^1].Next = _buf[0];
    		_buf[^1].Back = _buf[^2];
    		Head = _buf[0];
    	public void InsertAfter(ListNode target, ListNode ins)
    		ins.Next = target.Next;
    		ins.Back = target;
    		target.Next.Back = ins;
    		target.Next = ins;
    	public void InsertMultipleAfter(ListNode target, ListNode insFirst, ListNode insLast)
    		insLast.Next = target.Next;
    		insFirst.Back = target;
    		target.Next.Back = insLast;
    		target.Next = insFirst;
    	public ListNode RemoveMultipleAfter(ListNode target, int count)
    		var ret = target.Next;
    		var afterLast = target.Next;
    		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    			afterLast = afterLast.Next;
    		var last = afterLast.Back;
    		target.Next = afterLast;
    		afterLast.Back = target;
    		last.Next = null;
    		ret.Back = null;
    		Head = target;
    		return ret;

    The circularly-linked list has some horrendous software engineering in terms of defining clean API boundaries, but it allowed me to do initialization easily, so /shrug. The neat trick was realizing that while we need constant-time insert/delete and find operations, we don't actually need random-access at all - so a linked list is a perfect solution because we also know where each element will be.

    I'm pretty sure you could optimize this further and remove the hashtable by just using the position in the backing array as your lookup, but it'd be an extra step to wire it up correctly to initialize

    My part1 solution run against part2 would have taken ~3.5hr. The version shown here gets through it in 5.59s. Not a bad speedup.

    1 vote