Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread
General Programming Q&A thread! Ask any questions about programming, answer the questions of other users, or post suggestions for future threads.
Don't forget to format your code using the triple backticks or tildes:
Here is my schema:
CREATE TABLE article_to_warehouse (
article_id INTEGER
, warehouse_id INTEGER
How do I add a `UNIQUE` constraint?
How do yall figure out what projects to work on? I want to learn more but I need a good project.
I've found that this seems to only apply to me, from talking to some other programmers I know. Most of my recent projects fall into these buckets.
A good chunk of these aren't to "learn more" for me, though; I should probably fix that.
These are all really great ideas, thanks! You're absolutely right, too -- the few projects I've really enjoyed working on fit the items of this list, haha.
Basically, when I see something that's interesting and that I have a reasonable chance of being able to implement, I give it a try. A few days ago someone posted a link to a site that showed different map projections. I've done a little bit of work in that area but have been wanting to explore it a little more, so I decided to just go ahead and implement a few of the projections I've never worked with before. Whatever I write won't ever be used by anyone but me, but it might give me some knowledge that I end up using in a real project at work or for fun later. (Or not. Sometimes the journey is its own reward.)
This is such a great point; I should just write stuff when I feel like it! Thanks :)
What do you want to learn about?
Lisp right now -- I keep meaning to set up Racket, but .. as far as what /about/, I'm not sure, lol. Programmy stuff? This might be part of the problem.