Fortnightly Programming Q&A Thread
General Programming Q&A thread! Ask any questions about programming, answer the questions of other users, or post suggestions for future threads.
Don't forget to format your code using the triple backticks or tildes:
Here is my schema:
CREATE TABLE article_to_warehouse (
article_id INTEGER
, warehouse_id INTEGER
How do I add a `UNIQUE` constraint?
I've recently thought it might be interesting to get in to Android Programming but I feel like every guide I've been looking at makes it seem pretty complicated to do even some of the most basic stuff.
Is that true/standard, or does it just look that way to a total beginner?
To some extent, yeah. Compared to other platforms the toolchain is complicated and contains a bunch of magic. Perhaps this has changed since I was last in it, but there was also a great deal of XML interacting with Java/Kotlin via reflection that I found somewhat icky and annoying to mentally model, although perhaps Android Studio has gotten better at intellisense for that kind of thing.
If you want to go for it, it's probably not that bad, just stick to a tutorial until you get a Hello World app running on-device, then slowly experiment from there, always making sure to make everything runs before moving on. There's a bunch of arcane error messages that make no sense until you become more experienced with the complicated build process.
I don't think it's too hard. The hardest is probably to get started. Once you have a basic project that you can run and test, then it's just about iterating.
If you want to try Flutter, they have a getting started guide.
Here is another guide for Xamarin (dotnet C#). There's a playlist with short videos where they run you through the steps. (It will get even easier with .net 6.)
I don't think it's too bad to jump into as long as you use the "blessed" tools (in other words, Android Studio), as the docs and workflow are definitely tailored toward using those.