A movement known as Architectural Uprising is pushing back against Scandinavian design trends – and sometimes forcing architects back to the drawing board architecture Article 25 votes
For decades, US cities have been closing or neglecting public restrooms, leaving millions with no place to go. Here’s how a lack of toilets became an American affliction. urban planning Article 12 votes
Facing a housing crunch almost a century ago, Stockholm built 'barnrikehus' for low-income families – today they are some of the city's more sought-after properties architecture urban planning Article 9 votes
Swedish officials have joined Danish critics in registering concerns that an island-building plan, a signature test of Copenhagen's development model, could have risks urban planning Article 6 votes
How Reykjavik's sheet-metal homes beat the Icelandic winter – they may be unorthodox, but the innovative buildings have kept residents warm and dry for more than a century architecture Article 13 votes
How Berlin's Mietskaserne tenements became coveted urban housing urban planning architecture Article 7 votes
How Helsinki built book heaven – Finland's most ambitious library is a kind of monument to the Nordic model of civic engagement architecture urban planning Article 7 votes