While this is better than current practices I suppose, why di we have to sciencify and mechanize everything? Just stick my body in a pit with a little lime and sawdust.
While this is better than current practices I suppose, why di we have to sciencify and mechanize everything? Just stick my body in a pit with a little lime and sawdust.
TBF, the basic concept of this isn't very sciencified and mechanized. This reads entirely like a bathtub and some drain cleaner to me. The stainless steel reaction vessel is probably somewhat...
TBF, the basic concept of this isn't very sciencified and mechanized. This reads entirely like a bathtub and some drain cleaner to me. The stainless steel reaction vessel is probably somewhat unnecessary. The article tries to distance it from "acid in a bathtub" desperately, "because it's alkaline, not acidic", but that apparatus is basically a bathtub and some plumbing for drain cleaner.
Part of their coverage on the future of death/funerals and the environmental and cultural impact and barriers: https://www.cnet.com/news/features/funerals-are-expensive-broken-exploitative-they-have-to-change/
The Order of the Good Death is a great place to read/watch further: https://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/
There is a bill in my state that is still making it through legislation. We might have it soon enough
While this is better than current practices I suppose, why di we have to sciencify and mechanize everything? Just stick my body in a pit with a little lime and sawdust.
TBF, the basic concept of this isn't very sciencified and mechanized. This reads entirely like a bathtub and some drain cleaner to me. The stainless steel reaction vessel is probably somewhat unnecessary. The article tries to distance it from "acid in a bathtub" desperately, "because it's alkaline, not acidic", but that apparatus is basically a bathtub and some plumbing for drain cleaner.