29 votes Opossum hospitalized after gorging on a Costco chocolate cake Posted February 13 by AugustusFerdinand Tags: usa.ne.omaha, wildife, opossums, animal welfare, food, cakes.chocolate, costco, toxic, lead, offbeat, author.amanda kooser, source.forbes, paywall https://www.forbes.com/sites/amandakooser/2025/02/11/opossum-hospitalized-after-gorging-on-a-costco-chocolate-cake/ Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Amanda Kooser Word count 615 words 3 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK [2] chocobean February 13 Link Not even an opossum can consume an entire Costco chocolate cake in one sitting. Lots of cute pictures in this article :) glad she's going to be okay. Doggett notes the opossum got through more than half the cake, but didn’t quite make it through the entire cake. Not even an opossum can consume an entire Costco chocolate cake in one sitting. Lots of cute pictures in this article :) glad she's going to be okay. 10 votes DefinitelyNotAFae February 13 Link Parent If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites 9 votes Carrie February 13 Link This reminds me of the “I regret nothing” bakery possum. I guess possums go hard, YOLO. Glad she’s getting the help she needs. This reminds me of the “I regret nothing” bakery possum. I guess possums go hard, YOLO. Glad she’s getting the help she needs. 4 votes
[2] chocobean February 13 Link Not even an opossum can consume an entire Costco chocolate cake in one sitting. Lots of cute pictures in this article :) glad she's going to be okay. Doggett notes the opossum got through more than half the cake, but didn’t quite make it through the entire cake. Not even an opossum can consume an entire Costco chocolate cake in one sitting. Lots of cute pictures in this article :) glad she's going to be okay. 10 votes DefinitelyNotAFae February 13 Link Parent If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites 9 votes
DefinitelyNotAFae February 13 Link Parent If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites 9 votes
Carrie February 13 Link This reminds me of the “I regret nothing” bakery possum. I guess possums go hard, YOLO. Glad she’s getting the help she needs. This reminds me of the “I regret nothing” bakery possum. I guess possums go hard, YOLO. Glad she’s getting the help she needs. 4 votes
Not even an opossum can consume an entire Costco chocolate cake in one sitting.
Lots of cute pictures in this article :) glad she's going to be okay.
If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted! They were just taking a nap between bites
This reminds me of the “I regret nothing” bakery possum. I guess possums go hard, YOLO.
Glad she’s getting the help she needs.