17 votes

It's 2050 And This Is How We Stopped Climate Change


  1. Sahasrahla
    I like this. It's a positive vision of the future that seems attainable. It doesn't depend on wide-scale voluntary change (can you imagine fixing the hole in the ozone layer by saying "please...

    I like this. It's a positive vision of the future that seems attainable. It doesn't depend on wide-scale voluntary change (can you imagine fixing the hole in the ozone layer by saying "please don't buy anything with CFCs even if it's more convenient or cheaper"?) but instead focuses on policy and technology. It also favours changing our energy sources rather than using less (in many cases at least) which is a much easier sell. All of this taken together seems much more doable than other solutions I've seen.

    6 votes
  2. Algernon_Asimov
    I like this article. It presents what we already know, but from a different angle. Just one minor niggle: Why not actual trains? Why didn't they build more train lines to carry freight?

    I like this article. It presents what we already know, but from a different angle.

    Just one minor niggle:

    Some of my guides see "electric highways" with wires overhead, and trucks tapping into the electric power in those wires the same way trains do.

    Why not actual trains? Why didn't they build more train lines to carry freight?

    3 votes
  3. Pilgrim
    I love this idea of working backward from the desired outcome!

    I love this idea of working backward from the desired outcome!

    1 vote
  4. retiredrugger
    Great read and poses a new way of thinking; it would be interesting to see if this could help the everyday individual better themselves on the climate.

    Great read and poses a new way of thinking; it would be interesting to see if this could help the everyday individual better themselves on the climate.

    1 vote
  5. [3]
    This is a pretty simple site, why can't pocket (getpocket.com) turn it into a pocket-readable-news? I like to read on my kobo and use pocket to sync news article to it. Sadly, I cannot do that for...

    This is a pretty simple site, why can't pocket (getpocket.com) turn it into a pocket-readable-news? I like to read on my kobo and use pocket to sync news article to it. Sadly, I cannot do that for this one.

    Also, fuck google's captchas.

    1. Octofox
      Link Parent
      Works fine in firefox reader mode

      Works fine in firefox reader mode

      4 votes
    2. Randomacts
      Link Parent
      There are various recaptcha solver extensions that you can get to deal with those stupid things. It is worth mentioning that google makes them one click if you are logged in on a google chrome...

      There are various recaptcha solver extensions that you can get to deal with those stupid things. It is worth mentioning that google makes them one click if you are logged in on a google chrome browser but knowing this site I'm sure that you are using firefox + privacy stuff.