What are your thoughts on using a website/blog as a resume?
Like the title says, I'm curious if anyone has experience encountering digital resumes. Whether you're an employer or you've used a digital resume yourself how well did it work? Were you more...
Like the title says, I'm curious if anyone has experience encountering digital resumes. Whether you're an employer or you've used a digital resume yourself how well did it work? Were you more likely to hire a candidate because they had a well-rounded website that showed off their skills or was it an immediate discard because it didn't conform to normal practices.
I'm graduating with my MS in organic chemistry this May, and I'm trying to work my way in the job market. A website/blog sounds appealing to me because I can show off data annotations and analyses from failed reactions that normally aren't discussed in papers, so I think it would be a good fit.
I've started working on a personal blog for job applications, but I'm nervous and not exactly sure where to start. This May I'll finish with my MS in Organic Chemistry so I'm trying to set it up to showcase my skills as a chemist because I don't think a CV or resume does that very well.