16 votes

Is anyone surprised Grubhub’s ‘free’ lunch program was a disaster for restaurant workers?


  1. [2]
    "Who at Grubhub thought it was a good idea to promise 8 million New Yorkers free lunch during a 3 hr period?" - @laurel_byrnes on Twitter. Who indeed? Who could have seen this coming? Who was the...

    "Who at Grubhub thought it was a good idea to promise 8 million New Yorkers free lunch during a 3 hr period?" - @laurel_byrnes on Twitter.

    Who indeed? Who could have seen this coming? Who was the principal individual with this brilliant but horribly executed promotion?

    This fiasco has the all the making of a societal watershed moment. It exposes the utter disconnect from those with money, power, and control and the one's without. We all know this was done by a small number of people at the corporate helm of the strongest digital food delivery service. But was nobody able to think this through? Was nobody in that planning group ever a server, a line cook, or even a deliverer for their own service? Or were they so far detached with comforts of money that they forgot?

    This was definitely avoidable. There's no excuse. Someone should have been thinking this through in multiple scenarios and predicting possible outcomes. Even the network admins should have ran sims on this kind of possibility.

    Grubhub had data on all the past superbowls, playoffs, and the entire damn pandemic! I know people running simulations at our money markets with unfathomable scenarios all in the sake of making sure shit doesn't hit the fan. Grubhub could have been prepared.

    Grubhub made a careless decision to serve its own best interest without even thinking of what could happen outside of their created digital sphere of existence. I could only imagine the tremendous amount of stress all the people working that day endured. What a horror story they must all have. I know I don't ever want to go back to the service industry, even in the best of times. And that was years ago when things were not rudely expected at the speed of a tap on a screen.

    Yes, it is very easy to look back and see things clearly. But I feel like a scenario like this should have been seen in some small way or another and been taken into account. Again, with the right people in charge. But that would require people with experience and thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness that thinks of their neighbors and fellow humans, a kind of thoughtfulness that goes beyond the boardroom walls and shareholder's pocketbooks.

    No, I'm not surprised this happened. You can't scream "Free Lunch" and not think you'll get rushed by hordes of people. I just can't imagine this being due to anything other than blinders of corporate privilege. There is a terrible disconnect in life today, and I think this will be the moment we all point back to and say "this is where the masses didn't matter to the leaders".

    8 votes
    1. Akir
      Link Parent
      This is why I despise companies like GrubHub and Uber and all the other "app economy" companies. They're nothing more than rent seekers. They're just another middleman who exist to extract more...

      This is why I despise companies like GrubHub and Uber and all the other "app economy" companies. They're nothing more than rent seekers. They're just another middleman who exist to extract more money out of transactions that otherwise would not even involve them. Of course they didn't care about the damage they caused the customers and businesses, because their entire business model is to be a parasite to extract as much value out of restaurants and their customers as possible.

      8 votes