6 votes

The best espresso machines in 2021


  1. rmgr
    Honestly I went in to this article ready to get all angry about it only suggesting consumer machines like your Delonghis and your Brevilles but they actually suggest some pretty solid machines!

    Honestly I went in to this article ready to get all angry about it only suggesting consumer machines like your Delonghis and your Brevilles but they actually suggest some pretty solid machines!

    2 votes
  2. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Coincidentally, we just bought a Breville Barista Pro a few days ago for my parents as their Christmas present. And this article actually makes me feel a lot more confident in the purchase, since...

    Coincidentally, we just bought a Breville Barista Pro a few days ago for my parents as their Christmas present. And this article actually makes me feel a lot more confident in the purchase, since they even mention it being particularly good for dealing with hard water, which is a major issue for us. We have incredibly hard water here, and as a result, even all the expensive ($800+) machines we have previously owned have broken after just a few years. So here's hoping the Barista Pro's filter actually works, so we don't have to keep buying new machines!

    1 vote