4 votes

Dungeon Alchemist Kickstarter meet in three hours - Dungeon map generator


  1. zonk
    My wife saw this and started being very interested (for general worldbuilding purposes). So I went ahead and asked a friend who's into DnD, which alternatives there are right now, to find out, if...

    My wife saw this and started being very interested (for general worldbuilding purposes). So I went ahead and asked a friend who's into DnD, which alternatives there are right now, to find out, if it's worth backing. Here are the results for anyone interested:

    From what I've seen, seems like none of these come with 3D view. And the first two are the most common and the most popular, with communities on Discord and reddit to create assets. But once again, I'm not familiar with any of these, other than a few comments from a friend and checking their website :)

    Hope this helps you make a decision.

    5 votes
  2. [2]
    That's pretty darn neat. I wonder what formats it exports as. Just as an image, or maybe some sort of XML or JSON representation? I'm not sure what the common D&D tools use. Either way I'm...

    That's pretty darn neat. I wonder what formats it exports as. Just as an image, or maybe some sort of XML or JSON representation? I'm not sure what the common D&D tools use.

    Either way I'm intrigued - even as a non-player.

    edit: Found the answer in the FAQ.

    Which file formats will you be able to export to?
    At launch, we will support png, jpeg and webp for images. Alternatively, if your VTT supports it, you can also export as short videos in webm and mp4 to make your experience even more immersive.

    So it sounds like it's graphical data then.

    1 vote
    1. cfabbro
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Exporting as an image is pretty much all that's really required, since the only option to import "maps" into Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds is via images anyways. You just set that imported image as...

      Exporting as an image is pretty much all that's really required, since the only option to import "maps" into Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds is via images anyways. You just set that imported image as the background layer and scale it to match the map grid in the software, and voila, you now have a map to play on. It's been about a year since I played D&D with either of those though, I have yet to try Fantasy Grounds Unity rewrite yet, and there are plenty of new VTTs I haven't tried yet either, so just bear in mind that my knowledge could be somewhat out of date at this point. ;)

      1 vote