7 votes

Hunt: Showdown 1896 | Official launch trailer


  1. [4]
    This is an update to Hunt: Showdown, everyone's been calling it Hunt 2.0 basically! It's an update to the engine and a new map and such! The game itself was always really incredible, tense, and...

    This is an update to Hunt: Showdown, everyone's been calling it Hunt 2.0 basically! It's an update to the engine and a new map and such! The game itself was always really incredible, tense, and immersive, would recommend to anyone who's into slower shooters.

    5 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Is it a good game for slower gamers? I'm getting older and don't have the reflexes to keep up with pvp anymore

      Is it a good game for slower gamers? I'm getting older and don't have the reflexes to keep up with pvp anymore

      1 vote
      1. Flashfall
        Link Parent
        The action can definitely be much more drawn out and deliberate due to the generally lower rate of fire and longer reload times of the old guns, as well as the cat-and-mouse style engagement that...

        The action can definitely be much more drawn out and deliberate due to the generally lower rate of fire and longer reload times of the old guns, as well as the cat-and-mouse style engagement that happens when hunters converge on a bounty location to steal it from the defending hunters. At very close range though, things can still get hectic especially if there's multiple teams present.

        2 votes
      2. phoenixrises
        Link Parent
        +1 to what Flashfall said, I think the game itself rewards smarter play rather than twitchy gameplay for sure, being observant and smart will definitely nab you kills. The thing to know about this...

        +1 to what Flashfall said, I think the game itself rewards smarter play rather than twitchy gameplay for sure, being observant and smart will definitely nab you kills. The thing to know about this game is that every single thing you do makes noise basically, so you'd be able to figure out what people are doing based off of that. Most of the guns are pretty single shot so you have to be deliberate about it.

        2 votes
  2. MikeB
    This game is by far my favorite “realistic” shooter. The sound design is the best I’ve ever heard, there’s really no other game that comes close. And maybe my favorite game design thing — if...

    This game is by far my favorite “realistic” shooter. The sound design is the best I’ve ever heard, there’s really no other game that comes close.

    And maybe my favorite game design thing — if you’re playing on a team, the one hit kill headshots are balanced by letting your teammates revive you (at the cost of you losing a bit of max health). So if you get hit by a great shot, you’re not necessarily out for the rest of the game/round. The comeback potential adds so much tension to both sides of a shootout.

    Despite its slower pace (lots of single shot rifles and slow fire rates), I don’t think I’ve ever played a shooter that gives me adrenaline rushes like this one does. Incredible game.

    As for this update, it features an all-new UI that is extremely buggy and in a lot of ways less user friendly than the old one — hopefully that gets fixed quickly. But the new map, gameplay, and graphics engine updates are amazing. It’s never felt better IMO, had a blast playing with my friends last night.

    3 votes