11 votes

Little Big Adventure – Twinsen’s Quest | Gameplay trailer


  1. Levantus
    Got a little excited when I saw the Little Big ____. Was hoping Sony had brought back LBP. This game looks fun enough though!

    Got a little excited when I saw the Little Big ____. Was hoping Sony had brought back LBP. This game looks fun enough though!

    4 votes
  2. Raincloud
    This one has been in the works for a while! Little Big Adventure (released as "Relentless - Twinsen's Adventure" in the U.S.) was an isometric action adventure game released originally for DOS in...

    This one has been in the works for a while! Little Big Adventure (released as "Relentless - Twinsen's Adventure" in the U.S.) was an isometric action adventure game released originally for DOS in 1994. The game featured a hand-crafted world where you hop between islands, discover secrets and fight the oppressive dictatorship of the planet. The graphics were first-class for the time. The controls of the original, non-updated version have aged poorly with its tank controls and "behaviour mode switching" system.

    More recent rereleases have addressed the controls while keeping the original game unchanged. The game spawned a sequel in 1997 and it also partially influenced Beyond Good & Evil, which employs a similar atmosphere of an oppressive government, which was developed by a different team that was also from France.

    A complete remake of this first game has been teased for a while, with this being the full gameplay reveal. The art-style has been changed to be more cartoony than the original, which has drawn some criticism. The story has also been updated to remove some of the overly tired sexist tropes of the original game (which the sequel had itself already removed). According to the trailer, the main character's love interest, who was a vapid damsel-in-distress in the original game, is now a fellow fighter in the resistance.

    Revisiting a relatively unknown but beloved brand 30 years later is certainly a challenge, and I've personally seen less rosy updates by this project as it was getting started trying to get it financed. Is this the first time you're hearing about this franchise? What are your impressions?

    2 votes
  3. [2]
    Exciting to hear news of this remake. LBA has been on my radar to play since I first tried the demo for... I think 2 on a PCGamer demo disk in 199x. It always seemed so weird, but intriguing and...

    Exciting to hear news of this remake. LBA has been on my radar to play since I first tried the demo for... I think 2 on a PCGamer demo disk in 199x. It always seemed so weird, but intriguing and I've been wanting to play the series ever since.

    I've actually owned both games on GoG for several years now and fired the first one up occasionally (as recently as a week ago) to see if it was time for me to give it a go yet. With this announcement, I may do the work to get it working on my Steam Deck and see if I can't at least play through the first game.

    2 votes
    1. Raincloud
      Link Parent
      They added controller support in a 2022 update. The GOG versions run nice on Linux via Bottles.

      They added controller support in a 2022 update. The GOG versions run nice on Linux via Bottles.

      1 vote
  4. gingerbeardman
    Really not sure about the voice acting. For people who are trapped, escaping, or doing the rescuing, they sound a bit too cheerful for me. It's also a bit of a shock to hear such Disney-style...

    Really not sure about the voice acting. For people who are trapped, escaping, or doing the rescuing, they sound a bit too cheerful for me. It's also a bit of a shock to hear such Disney-style American English voices when I had always heard far more varied and exotic voices in my head.

    I've followed the many false starts that have resulted in what we see here and... I'm still not convinced.

    2 votes
  5. Bullmaestro
    I was hoping they'd do a full remake that would drastically overhaul the actual gameplay, rather than stay faithful to the original mechanics. When I was a kid I played through the LBA1 demo on an...

    I was hoping they'd do a full remake that would drastically overhaul the actual gameplay, rather than stay faithful to the original mechanics.

    When I was a kid I played through the LBA1 demo on an Official Playstation Magazine demo disc.

    Setting your opening level in an asylum with guards that can knock you out with a single tranquilizer dart is bad enough, but also making it a stealth section designed around clunky tank controls and stances which make Twinsen move around like a drunk who's had ten cans of Stella is just off-putting.