BeardyHat's recent activity

  1. Comment on Governor Gavin Newsom orders homeless sweeps throughout California in ~life

    Link Parent
    Correct me if my thinking is incorrect, but doing a quick Google search tells me that the average amount of homeless per 10k in Europe is generally higher than in the US (average 19 per 10k)....

    Correct me if my thinking is incorrect, but doing a quick Google search tells me that the average amount of homeless per 10k in Europe is generally higher than in the US (average 19 per 10k).

    Europe generally has better social safety nets than we do in the US, though I don't know what services they provide for the homeless, which suggests the resolution may not be in simply providing services.

    Not to say anything else of the problem, but a strong social safety net and services are generally regarded as a silver bullet for the unhoused, but it seems that just looking at statistics shows us that may not be the case.

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    Link Parent
    I have some friends who often ask me to "Get in Discord!" Or "Why don't you ever get in Discord?" and it's primarily because I'm "talked at" out. All day, "Dad! Dad! In Minecraft...", "Dad, watch...

    I have some friends who often ask me to "Get in Discord!" Or "Why don't you ever get in Discord?" and it's primarily because I'm "talked at" out.

    All day, "Dad! Dad! In Minecraft...", "Dad, watch this.", "Dad, there's this thing in Minecraft...", "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad."

    I try to indulge them as much as I can and ask questions, as though I'm really interested in what they have to say, but at the end of the day, I'm done. I have no desire to listen to anyone, including my friends.

    10 votes
  3. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I was really enjoying Yakuza: Like a Dragon and still want to go back to it, but my buddy got me hooked on the old private vanilla World of Warcraft server we play on here and there and I've just...

    I was really enjoying Yakuza: Like a Dragon and still want to go back to it, but my buddy got me hooked on the old private vanilla World of Warcraft server we play on here and there and I've just been obsessively playing it.

    Though one big reason WoW sees a lot more play than Yakuza is that I can play WoW and do other stuff. Yakuza, I need to pay attention to, between running around the city and then watching cutscenes; things I really enjoy, but I often have to Pause or take breaks due to life reasons or even put it down entirely when my wife and I want to watch TV in the evenings, where as WoW, I can just play and not need to really pay 100% attention to.

    I've also picked-up Professor Layton and the Curious Village on my DSi, a game I've attempted to play many times over the past however many years, but I usually get flustered and quit. This time I'm realizing I can really take my time and be patient, there's no urgency to any of it, so it's another game I can play and kind of think about, but not have to give all my attention to.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    This one looks interesting and at $8, I may just take the chance. Just not sure I'm immediately up for a punishing game at the moment, but the premise definitely is intriguing.

    This one looks interesting and at $8, I may just take the chance. Just not sure I'm immediately up for a punishing game at the moment, but the premise definitely is intriguing.

  5. Comment on Seven days in the North Island of New Zealand in ~travel

    The Glowworm Caves are something I'll never forget

    The Glowworm Caves are something I'll never forget

    4 votes
  6. Comment on US judge dismisses classified documents case against Donald Trump (gifted link) in ~news

  7. Comment on Does anyone have any advice for new dads? in

    This sounds maybe a little dismissive, but, there's not a ton to know immediately. Change their diapers, feed them, hold them. You won't have a ton to do immediately, because your partner will be...

    This sounds maybe a little dismissive, but, there's not a ton to know immediately. Change their diapers, feed them, hold them. You won't have a ton to do immediately, because your partner will be taking the lead, given they will be needing to breastfeed most of the time, so do your best to support them. They might struggle due to exhaustion and they may have postpartum depression, don't hold it against them and do your best to be calm, collected and assist in anyway that you can; don't ask what you can do, just find the need and do it. Bring them a glass of water, burping cloths, a snack, etc, etc.

    Your baby will be a tar shitting sack of potatoes for a good long while and that's ok, it's what they're supposed to be doing.

    Do not shake them; you're going to want to. You'll be awake every couple of hours and frustrated when they won't eat, they're not wet and you can't figure out what the fuck is happening. Put the baby down and walk away, they're safe in their crib; safer there than with you when you're sleep deprived and frustrated.

    You'll figure it out as you go and it's always changing. Ask for help if you have friends and family nearby.

    29 votes
  8. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    As an Elden Ring and From fan, I think ER as a whole is overrated. Don't get me wrong, I really like the game and have had a lot of fun with it, but it seems to me that a good portion of the...

    As an Elden Ring and From fan, I think ER as a whole is overrated. Don't get me wrong, I really like the game and have had a lot of fun with it, but it seems to me that a good portion of the bosses just feel like bullshit.

    I had and have had a lot of fun learning the bosses in the prior Dark Souls games, as well as Lies of P, but ER feels like they wanted to crank the difficulty to 11 on many bosses and rather than adding mechanical complexity or something (I'm not a game designer), they added lots of One Hit Kills and lots of extremely fast bosses who get you by doing random flips in the air so you can't track them or figure out their patterns. It does feel like luck a good portion of the time, because maybe the boss has focused on your summons, so you're able to get some damage in with impunity or you just managed to roll enough to avoid their ridiculous 1HK attacks.

    Erdtree looks to be more of the same to me.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I'm still dipping into Yakuza: Like a Dragon; haven't made a ton of progress, but I did just hit some new story beats last night after I had opened-up crafting and ran around collecting stuff to...

    I'm still dipping into Yakuza: Like a Dragon; haven't made a ton of progress, but I did just hit some new story beats last night after I had opened-up crafting and ran around collecting stuff to build some new weapons for my party. I still love this game and its sense of humor and I'll absolutely been continuing it.

    I was playing Transport Fever 2 again as my chill game and continued work on a map I've been plugging away at for over a year now. After 90 hours, I feel like I'm finally figuring out how to be a little more efficient, so I've reorganized quite a few of my cargo truck pick-up/drop-off points and seen a marked improvement in Goods stacking up at various places. Was really just trying to get those kinks out of my system and get things flowing better so that my industries can crank out product.

    But, I'll probably take a little break from it, as I came across this game SOVL that I've been very much enjoying. It's essentially a computer recreation of the old Warhammer: Fantasy Battles or Warhammer Old World, neither of which I've played. I have a lot of experience in tabletop wargames, but haven't really played a rank & file/flank games aside from a little bit of Black Powder. SOVL gave me a taste of that and I have to say, I love it. It's a pretty simple concept, build a list of available units to a certain point value, deploy them on the board and try and get the upper hand on your opponent through smart play and maneuvering. Playing it has triggered a sudden interest in building a box of Kings of War (another tabletop wargame) Dwarves my friend gave me about 6 months ago and finally trying out Warhammer Old World.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on What's a life lesson you've applied that has changed your life? in ~life

    Early in my college career, I was going through the motions of getting my main courses done before getting into my degree field. I had some professor or some class or something which I considered...

    Early in my college career, I was going through the motions of getting my main courses done before getting into my degree field. I had some professor or some class or something which I considered bullshit; a waste of time. Can't even remember what it was now, but I always remember the words a of a friend I had at the time, who was about 20 years my senior and who I'd talk to pretty much every day.

    "Sometimes, you just have to play the game"

    Referencing some of that bullshit in life that you are obligated to do when you're working towards something you want. They're words that have never left me and something I often think about when there's something I don't want to do; I'm the type of person who generally calls bullshit, bullshit and will avoid, stop or be angry about something if it seems like it's just busywork or some artificial obstacle, so having that in my head reminds me that sometimes there's not shit you can do about it and you just need to cope or deal with it and keep your forward momentum.

    10 votes
  11. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Oh yeah, you gotta be in that cover! It's a pain in the ass, but you can also build foxholes. If you click the button for it and hold control, you can place multiple one at a time, which will...

    Oh yeah, you gotta be in that cover! It's a pain in the ass, but you can also build foxholes. If you click the button for it and hold control, you can place multiple one at a time, which will help.

    Valor is damn nice. I love playing as the British generally, so it's nice to have them back.

  12. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    LaD really does seem like it's cranked up to 11 on the silliness scale and I absolutely love it. Hoping to see the game all the way through and eventually pick up Infinite Wealth, because Ichiban...

    LaD really does seem like it's cranked up to 11 on the silliness scale and I absolutely love it. Hoping to see the game all the way through and eventually pick up Infinite Wealth, because Ichiban and his companions are just fun.

  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    You might be surprised. Generally the bosses in the first game are considerably easier than stuff in the later entries. Still a challenge, but generally they lack a lot of the bullshit that's been...

    You might be surprised. Generally the bosses in the first game are considerably easier than stuff in the later entries. Still a challenge, but generally they lack a lot of the bullshit that's been injected into Elden Ring bosses, where they one hit kill you and do twirls in the air so you can't predict their moves.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Glad to hear you're still playing it! I still need to jump back in to my Soviet campaign, but I've been using my Steam Deck a lot lately, as I tend to do when it gets hot outside and Ostfront just...

    Glad to hear you're still playing it!

    I still need to jump back in to my Soviet campaign, but I've been using my Steam Deck a lot lately, as I tend to do when it gets hot outside and Ostfront just won't work on it.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Tunic is pretty great, I still need to rebuy it and get back to it. As for Lies of P, I honestly think it's better than Elden Ring.

    Tunic is pretty great, I still need to rebuy it and get back to it.

    As for Lies of P, I honestly think it's better than Elden Ring.

  16. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Not to dissuade you, but you've pretty much got the gist of things. It's not a terribly deep game, the gameplay never changes in any meaningful way, the story is... there? I dunno, I couldn't even...

    Not to dissuade you, but you've pretty much got the gist of things. It's not a terribly deep game, the gameplay never changes in any meaningful way, the story is... there? I dunno, I couldn't even give you an overview of it. Going out at night isn't really terribly risky, especially after you get an upgrade or two, you can simply out run anything out to get you.

    It's a fine game, fun enough, but as with all the recently (in the past couple of years, meaning) hyped indies, it kind of ultimately falls flat with me. Good for maybe 10 hours and that's about all.

    8 votes
  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which I am very much enjoying. I played about 36 hours of Yakuza 0 when it first came out and I enjoyed it, but I found Kiryu a bit of a blank slate and the constant...

    Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which I am very much enjoying. I played about 36 hours of Yakuza 0 when it first came out and I enjoyed it, but I found Kiryu a bit of a blank slate and the constant encounters with pretty mediocre (not that I'm an expert) beat em up combat to get tedious after awhile and the story wasn't much to write home about.

    LaD feels quite a bit different. Kasuga is a better protagonist in every way, the story is pretty compelling and I'm enjoying the turn based combat so, so much more. I've maybe only put 10-12 hours into it so far and I'm hoping I see it all the way through, but even if I don't, I'm loving this one so much more.. The side characters in your party are pretty fun and interesting too and as always, I love the bat shit sense of humor that this series has.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on Has anyone stopped caring about politics? in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    Yes, I feel the same. "Why can't we just house people?" "This is just late stage capitalism" And several more greatest hits. I get it, I agree, but I'm tired of hearing about it, because it's the...

    Yes, I feel the same.

    "Why can't we just house people?"

    "This is just late stage capitalism"

    And several more greatest hits. I get it, I agree, but I'm tired of hearing about it, because it's the same shit each time, no real solutions and no real consideration how you implement those things, what they mean or criticism of them. It's these ideas that are perfect in the bubble of Internet communities and broker no criticism.

    I do agree with them, but the way they're repeated ad nauseam as though they're bulletproof gets to me. I have someone in life my right now that repeats this stuff and all I can do is just nod my head and say "uh huh", as I silently scream in my head.

    9 votes
  19. Comment on W11 Bluetooth won't pair but can see devices. BT works w/ Linux in ~comp

  20. Comment on The Steam Summer Sale 2024 is live (runs June 27 - July 11) in ~games

    Link Parent
    Going almost completely against your question and suggesting a game that both isn't on sale and I know nothing about, but have wishlisted is Felvidek. It's a mere $11 and just looks very weird,...

    Going almost completely against your question and suggesting a game that both isn't on sale and I know nothing about, but have wishlisted is Felvidek. It's a mere $11 and just looks very weird, but has that PS1 art style and is JRPG-inspired (if you're thinking Wizardry).

    3 votes