FINALLY, FINALLY people are getting headsets for consoles! It's annoying to try and play so many multiplayer games on PS4 and see that no one has a mic to coordinate. I used to be a PC gamer and...
FINALLY, FINALLY people are getting headsets for consoles! It's annoying to try and play so many multiplayer games on PS4 and see that no one has a mic to coordinate.
I used to be a PC gamer and mics were pretty much mandatory for PlanetSide2, Counter Strike GO and most other games. Switching to one has a mic. Not even for PlanetSide2 where you could have 40 people across 4 squads :|
FINALLY, FINALLY people are getting headsets for consoles! It's annoying to try and play so many multiplayer games on PS4 and see that no one has a mic to coordinate.
I used to be a PC gamer and mics were pretty much mandatory for PlanetSide2, Counter Strike GO and most other games. Switching to one has a mic. Not even for PlanetSide2 where you could have 40 people across 4 squads :|