12 votes

'The Discord is the church:' A place for gamers to worship

1 comment

  1. moocow1452
    My relationship with the church severely impacted by the related coincidences of my dad being the pastor, and him being a textbook narcissist with all the manipulation and abuse that entailed. I'd...

    My relationship with the church severely impacted by the related coincidences of my dad being the pastor, and him being a textbook narcissist with all the manipulation and abuse that entailed. I'd like to think that there is something out there bigger than us, that encompasses us, and if this guy out there helping people who need it and teaching them to love themselves and the rest of humanity with Twitch and Discord, I really don't have any reservations.

    On the other hand, there is the obvious "homosexuality is a sin" overtones with conventional Christian Faith which would go over about as well as a brick to the face for a bunch of queer and trans folk. Being accommodating to that audience makes you pull heat from your Christian base, so I don't know how you thread that needle. I gets that he wants to do the preacher thing of save all the people, I was and still am that person, a lot of that comes out what I read and watch and create.

    But to bring this back around, some people don't want your help with their pain and would much rather beat you over the head with it until it's your problem and no longer theirs. That sort of reconstruction of self is hard, and trolling is easy, and you cannot help people who refuse to recognize that they are in need of help. Pearls before swine and all that.

    4 votes