15 votes

You can now play the original Diablo in a web browser

1 comment

  1. 3d12
    Just want to point out, this article doesn't do much research, in that "rivsoft" isn't "the people at Rivsoft" as if it's a company, it's literally just some dude's website. Here's his Github...

    Just want to point out, this article doesn't do much research, in that "rivsoft" isn't "the people at Rivsoft" as if it's a company, it's literally just some dude's website. Here's his Github page: https://github.com/d07RiV

    Dude goes by the same name on the HIVE workshop website which is a popular WC3 modding forum. He's got some really cool projects in his Github, and a wealth of knowledge. He definitely deserves your follows and stars if you're into old Blizzard-related code and projects.

    3 votes