7 votes

Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?


  1. oliak
    Trying to get back at it after surgery. Do yoga every day without fail. Weights are coming back online slowly (left elbow is a bit wonky after last workout still). Cardio is doing okay, got a 60...

    Trying to get back at it after surgery.

    • Do yoga every day without fail.
    • Weights are coming back online slowly (left elbow is a bit wonky after last workout still).
    • Cardio is doing okay, got a 60 min bike ride in today - focusing on Zone 2 training to up my VO2 Max levels.
    • Do body weight/calisthenics a few times a week as well.
    • Got a food journal going detailing everything as I'm a vary hard gainer so I need exact numbers to be able to make sure I'm consuming enough macros.
    4 votes
  2. phoenixrises
    (edited )
    Tried (and failed) to do my full 1k club application in 1 day today, it was definitely rough lol. I hit my 245 bench pretty well actually but then kinda ran out of gas afterwards :( hit a 405...

    Tried (and failed) to do my full 1k club application in 1 day today, it was definitely rough lol.

    I hit my 245 bench pretty well actually but then kinda ran out of gas afterwards :( hit a 405 deadlift pretty easily too, but gassed out trying to do a 425 which might have just been a stupid idea cuz I didn't have the energy to finish the squats at all.

    Currently at a heavy 225 right now, but I'm hoping to cut down another 20 pounds so wish me luck!

    I'm gonna try one more attempt next week, but maybe just throw a squat day in the middle of the week so I don't have to think about it

    4 votes
  3. eve
    Hello my dear tildes fitness pals! It has been quite a minute since I've posted a fitness update. I've been sticking to running for the past 10 weeks on a Garmin training plan. It's been good! The...

    Hello my dear tildes fitness pals! It has been quite a minute since I've posted a fitness update. I've been sticking to running for the past 10 weeks on a Garmin training plan. It's been good! The start was pretty rough, not gonna lie, but these past several weeks I've felt great. My mile feels really good and it's been a slow work up. I've been able to get low 13min miles which I'm proud about! I've really been working on pushing myself and pacing myself to increase my running speed as I go.

    The running is good, but the weight stuff is meh. I've been just focusing on eating less and curbing some habits and that's been okay. I'm trying for sustainable action, not immediate reward! I also hate counting calories so we'll see how long I can get through this without that. I've also learned I'm iron deficient so taking iron has been helpful with my energy levels, especially around my period.

    2 votes