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Fitness Weekly Discussion

What have you been doing lately for your own fitness? Try out any new programs or exercises? Have any questions for others about your training? Want to vent about poor behavior in the gym? Started a new diet or have a new recipe you want to share? Anything else health and wellness related?


  1. eve
    Hello my dearest fitness pals! I am once again lamenting my lack of consistent posting. I look forward to hearing about all of you trials and tribulations and glory as well! I have been doing...

    Hello my dearest fitness pals! I am once again lamenting my lack of consistent posting. I look forward to hearing about all of you trials and tribulations and glory as well!

    I have been doing okay. Overall, the running has been going swell, I have been very consistently running 3x a week when several months ago I scoffed at the idea and didn't think I could do it. I did, however, overdo it on a run a week or so ago and skipped several runs to help recuperate and give myself the time to heal. And whatta ya know, it worked. I'm back to full running force, mostly. My mile times are slowly, slowly trickling down to under 14min again and I'm ecstatic at the improvements.

    I want to incorporate weight training and yoga, but I'm striving to make sure the things I do are sustainable and have been erring on the side of caution. It's also just a balance of time, too.

    I've been doing okay with weight loss. There was a couple of weeks I did super duper well and then fell off a little. But instead of beating myself into submission, I'm trying to pivot to sustainability and consider what worked, what didn't, what were my feelings around what I was doing? The biggest thing is making sure I don't eat my emotions and letting myself be hungry. Over the past SEVERAL years I have been working on my relationship with food and it has improved overall. The biggest change has been by and larger, how I emotionally feel when I'm hungry. It used to be something that I would obsess about and any moment of hunger my brain and body would yell at me to satiate it! But that's not very conducive to what I want to do.

    I am working on giving myself the grace to fail, and I have failed a lot but it is no longer the catastrophe it used to be that would set me back months at a time. Eating an elephant and all that.

    7 votes
  2. hobblyhoy
    I switched my workout routine and approach, again. This time to something focused around the "time under tension" concept. The irony of it all dawned on me recently - I hop from program to program...

    I switched my workout routine and approach, again. This time to something focused around the "time under tension" concept. The irony of it all dawned on me recently - I hop from program to program usually seeking out efficiency improvements when, if I truly cared about results, I'd dig into a single approach and master it along with learning some bio science. But I don't care. The true impetus for shifting my routines is to try to keep me engaged and make getting my ass to the gym less of a slog. It kinda works. I still hate it, so, so much. Yet I go, MTThFS, minimum 15 minutes, every week, for close to 10 months now. It sucks but it feels good and the stomachs starting to pick itself up off the floor and last years health scare is feeling a little less scary so, yeah, I think I'll stay at it. I'll bitch and moan and hate it and curse these shitty knees and a younger me's stupid jackassery- but l'll stay.

    2 votes