24 votes

Secret tomb found under ‘Indiana Jones’ holy grail filming location in Petra

1 comment

  1. Devin
    " With a film crew, the team excavated the newly uncovered tomb in August. But the real surprise was what lay within the tomb. While many tombs uncovered within Petra are found empty or disturbed,...

    " With a film crew, the team excavated the newly uncovered tomb in August. But the real surprise was what lay within the tomb. While many tombs uncovered within Petra are found empty or disturbed, the chamber was filled with complete skeletal remains and grave goods made from bronze, iron and ceramic. The intact burial found beneath the Treasury provides rare insight into the lives of the Nabataeans, ancient Arabian nomads whose desert kingdom thrived during fourth century BC to AD 106, Creasman said."

    This was the crossroads of the silk empire. Their water technologies are amazing. Unfortunately it dried up.

    8 votes