12 votes

Coffee: The muslim drink


  1. [3]
    Fun fact, coffee in Arabic country still an icon for good hosting and generous. and in case you don't know generous is an essential and core feature of Arabic culture. there is a protocol there...

    Fun fact, coffee in Arabic country still an icon for good hosting and generous. and in case you don't know generous is an essential and core feature of Arabic culture. there is a protocol there for how to introduce coffee and how it prepared, cuz it's not just coffee bean and watter they add much more other ....... things

    Here in egypt sadly coffee replaced with tea since Egypt was under British, but we still introduce coffee

    Note: I said Arabic culture not Muslims culture, please here are a hugw diff between them I I would say the title should be Coffee: The Arabic Drink, not muslim drink

    4 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Did you watch the video? There's a reason why the filmmaker chose the name 'the Muslim drink'. Especially considering it originated in Ethiopia

      Did you watch the video? There's a reason why the filmmaker chose the name 'the Muslim drink'. Especially considering it originated in Ethiopia

      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. cfabbro
          Link Parent
          Why not just watch the video instead of constantly speculating? It’s only 7 min long.

          Why not just watch the video instead of constantly speculating? It’s only 7 min long.

          2 votes
  2. unknown user
    Beautiful video! Coffee is a big part of Life. Drinking some specialty coffee is a great experience. And the story behind it is long, exciting, international and rewarding to know. If you want to...

    Beautiful video! Coffee is a big part of Life. Drinking some specialty coffee is a great experience. And the story behind it is long, exciting, international and rewarding to know. If you want to know more details, I'd suggest Coffee and Coffee Houses by Ulla Heise, an illustrated history of coffee.

    2 votes