ali's recent activity

  1. Comment on I will fucking piledrive you if you mention AI again in ~comp

    Link Parent
    The worst thing as someone with expertise in the field is how many people are self proclaimed AI experts that just parrot stuff they see in some random YouTube videos and press announcements.

    The worst thing as someone with expertise in the field is how many people are self proclaimed AI experts that just parrot stuff they see in some random YouTube videos and press announcements.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    Link Parent
    So I am already used to the noodles, but they were still very spicy. I had some plant based milk next to me to cool me down, which made it easy I would say. There’s not much flavor but pain I feel...

    So I am already used to the noodles, but they were still very spicy. I had some plant based milk next to me to cool me down, which made it easy I would say. There’s not much flavor but pain I feel like. The bigger issue was this morning when I went to the toilet haha. It wasn’t the worst burn though.

    7 votes
  3. Comment on Suggestions for games with addicting skill mechanics that you can play while listening to an audiobook or podcast? in ~games

    Would love to piggyback of this and ask if anyone has any iOS/iPadOS specific recommendations

    Would love to piggyback of this and ask if anyone has any iOS/iPadOS specific recommendations

    2 votes
  4. Comment on YouTube tests harder-to-block server-side ad injection in videos in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I get it. The ads on twitch made me leave the platform too. I am, however, paying for YouTube and I’m happy with what I get in return.

    I get it. The ads on twitch made me leave the platform too.

    I am, however, paying for YouTube and I’m happy with what I get in return.

    11 votes
  5. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    Link Parent
    It worked on me. I went out and bought 2 yesterday. I'll eat them tomorrow though since I will go on a bike ride today and don't think this would be a good idea beforehand

    It worked on me. I went out and bought 2 yesterday. I'll eat them tomorrow though since I will go on a bike ride today and don't think this would be a good idea beforehand

    9 votes
  6. Comment on The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media in

    Link Parent
    Yeah I get it. I started running last year and listened to cant hurt me then. It really got me into the self discipline. I’ve been working hard on my nutrition and fitness since. I found a lot of...

    Yeah I get it.
    I started running last year and listened to cant hurt me then. It really got me into the self discipline. I’ve been working hard on my nutrition and fitness since.
    I found a lot of energy in his stories too. The other day during a 5k race when I felt like giving up, instead of slowing down, I sped up at the 4km mark, bringing my heartrate up close to 190, when I felt like giving up with a 180 average.

    There’s so many limits that we impose on ourselves, I’m happy to have read can’t hurt me, and that I’m listening to it again now.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media in

    Link Parent
    So I didn’t check out much of Tate and Peterson but from what little I have seen I had an easy time disliking them. I would not lump Goggins in with these people, because from what I know of him...

    So I didn’t check out much of Tate and Peterson but from what little I have seen I had an easy time disliking them. I would not lump Goggins in with these people, because from what I know of him (which is, of course only what he shows) he does not represent the toxic masculinity that I associate with someone like Tate.

    I was actually re-listening to “Can’t hurt me” when I read your comment. Goggins shows vulnerability and his way to overcome his traumatic life. I think there will always be things one could disagree with (IIRC he didn’t mention therapy anywhere) - but his overall message doesn’t seem externalized but more showing the potential one can unleash in themselves, if they put in the work and discipline.

    Would love to hear other opinions. I didn’t read all of the article yet for context

    6 votes
  8. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    Link Parent
    It’s really just getting used to it. I wanted to eat spicier food when I was younger and started my way up the spice levels. Nowadays some lower levels of spice are literally imperceptible to me....

    It’s really just getting used to it. I wanted to eat spicier food when I was younger and started my way up the spice levels. Nowadays some lower levels of spice are literally imperceptible to me. As in, I genuinely couldn’t tell there was any chili in there. Not in a way of „I don’t think it’s spicy“ but genuinely „this is indistinguishable from paprika“

    10 votes
  9. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    Link Parent
    Yes, check the ingredients. Unless you get one which might have egg noodles it seems to me to be vegan. It’s not listed on the packaging but from what I read online and the ingredient list it...

    Yes, check the ingredients. Unless you get one which might have egg noodles it seems to me to be vegan. It’s not listed on the packaging but from what I read online and the ingredient list it seems to be fine. I’ve only been vegan for a few months, and this was one thing I would’ve missed dearly

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    So for anyone curious like me: I love these noodles (funny enough even though they're chicken flavored they appear to be vegan) So I was wondering what the spice levels are. Official sources place...

    So for anyone curious like me: I love these noodles (funny enough even though they're chicken flavored they appear to be vegan)

    So I was wondering what the spice levels are. Official sources place the 2x on about 10k Scoville if I see that right? However, anyone who likes spicy food and has eaten this can tell you that this does not seem accurate. There's a reddit comment of a guys scientist cousin - the most legitimate source of all placing the sauce at 260k which I think sounds more plausible as well from the spice levels I usually eat.

    The 3x is reported to be similar in spice level. I will look and report if I find it somewhere. I had the 2x just last week and definitely did feel a good burn though.

    Just like /u/DefinitelyNotAFae said here, this is perfect advertising for people that love spicy food haha

    10 votes
  11. Comment on What slow-burn game is worth the time? in ~games

    Link Parent
    The only tip I would give someone is: if you’re stuck, do this before googling: Check the board computer

    The only tip I would give someone is:

    if you’re stuck, do this before googling: Check the board computer
    5 votes
  12. Comment on Things the guys who stole my phone have texted me to try to get me to unlock it in ~life

    I also love engaging with scammers and just wasting time. However I loved that a lot of these messages were along the lines of: Yeah your phone was stolen but not by us. Please unlock it so we can...

    I also love engaging with scammers and just wasting time.

    However I loved that a lot of these messages were along the lines of:

    Yeah your phone was stolen but not by us. Please unlock it so we can recycle it. And not like: yeah your phone was stolen, pay me the price I paid and shipping and I’ll get it back to you

    24 votes
  13. Comment on Humble Choice - June 2024 in ~games

    I’ve had a Choice membership for over a year and I’ve been thinking of canceling it since I barely use the discount and realized that a 20% discount isn’t really much compared to the savings of...

    I’ve had a Choice membership for over a year and I’ve been thinking of canceling it since I barely use the discount and realized that a 20% discount isn’t really much compared to the savings of not subscribing. I just always missed the deadline. This is the first time in a long time that I got the choice on day 1 though. I loved the first risk of rain so I definitely want to try this out

    2 votes
  14. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I dont really use fish oil anymore since I think you can get your Omega 3s from plant sources as well. Ashwagandha didn’t really do much for me either. I still take creatine. And eating plant...

    I dont really use fish oil anymore since I think you can get your Omega 3s from plant sources as well. Ashwagandha didn’t really do much for me either. I still take creatine. And eating plant based foods just makes me feel much healthier. I can just advise you to just do it. I often just hate leaving the house to go on a run, but I just put on my shoes and ignore the negative thoughts and do it. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

    Check out David Goggins book too. It really got me off my ass

    1 vote
  15. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I first started looking into supplements such as fish oil, creatine, adhwagandha etc. I then read a highly recommended book on nutrition “how not to die” by Michael greger. I’ve since started...

    I first started looking into supplements such as fish oil, creatine, adhwagandha etc.

    I then read a highly recommended book on nutrition “how not to die” by Michael greger. I’ve since started cutting animal products out of my diet and I feel much better. I’ve been like mostly plant based from September on (still ate meat until then) but I fully committed a couple months ago.

    Will do a blood test soon to see how my values have changed. I used to have high cholesterol and low iron (genetic)

    The energy I have now is insane compared to last year or even the year before. actually set a new PB a couple hours ago: 23:44 5k!

    1 vote
  16. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    do you think there's a set of binoculars that you can use for both?

    do you think there's a set of binoculars that you can use for both?

    1 vote
  17. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    Thank you! I am very proud of the achievement. I think I had a lot of lifestyle factors that changed as well. Moving from a place I didn’t like to living nomadically, watching my nutrition, etc. I...

    Thank you! I am very proud of the achievement. I think I had a lot of lifestyle factors that changed as well. Moving from a place I didn’t like to living nomadically, watching my nutrition, etc.

    I also think the most important think is just showing up as much as you can and clocking in as many miles as you can.

    Also I might’ve had some heat training. I spent 4 months in Thailand where I ran at 30°C daily. My PBs were then set when I went to other, colder countries :D

    2 votes
  18. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I love my data too. I agree it might be a blocker. But it’s also amazing to look back and see how much faster you get. I guess it’s also important to just trust in the process because if you stick...

    I love my data too. I agree it might be a blocker. But it’s also amazing to look back and see how much faster you get. I guess it’s also important to just trust in the process because if you stick to it, you will make small changes daily which compound to big changes in your life

  19. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    That’s great, thank you! I’ve recently been to Thailand again and really fell in love with listening to birds and watching them. I already feel like I want to get a telelense for my camera :D I’ve...

    That’s great, thank you! I’ve recently been to Thailand again and really fell in love with listening to birds and watching them. I already feel like I want to get a telelense for my camera :D I’ve been thinking about them a lot.

    Saw a greater racket tailed Drongo, olive backed sunbird, and some other beautiful and sometimes loud birds :D

    Binoculars would probably be amazing too. Also in case I ever go on a safari.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I would skip the backpack for any starter and first start running until you can hit your 5k, i think most people will be able to go without water or with just a small 0.5l handheld bottle. I...

    I would skip the backpack for any starter and first start running until you can hit your 5k, i think most people will be able to go without water or with just a small 0.5l handheld bottle.

    I started running last year an I previously was someone who never could run a mile. Now I go up to 6 times a week and have done two spontaneous half marathons. one of the best things I have done was starting running. I notice how much more energy I have in a day. I can keep going for ages. The other day I did a half marathon after not having slept much (5.5 hours) and then still went sightseeing all day. 40k Steps!

    i use my watch for health tracking and seeing how my VO2Max went from „low“ to „below average“ to „ above average“ was amazing. Here‘s to hitting „high“ hopefully soon.

    It‘s also amazing to challenge yourself and see your progress. how much faster your slow runs get with the same effort. How much faster your 5k PB gets. - my first 5k was 37.5 minutes my last PB was under 24 minutes.

    6 votes