21 votes

Fox News has aired 126 discussions about trans athletes but referenced only nine trans women athletes -- none of whom dominate their sport


  1. HotPants
    ap news

    Legislators in more than 20 states have introduced bills this year that would ban transgender girls from competing on girls’ sports teams in public high schools. Yet in almost every case, sponsors cannot cite a single instance in their own state or region where such participation has caused problems.

    ap news

    6 votes
  2. [2]
    Ok so now I gotta ask, are we still plunking interns in front of the tv like I heard they did on early daily show? Or are stats like these compiled out of transcripts provided by fox themselves?

    Ok so now I gotta ask, are we still plunking interns in front of the tv like I heard they did on early daily show? Or are stats like these compiled out of transcripts provided by fox themselves?

    1 vote
    1. cfabbro
      Link Parent
      Methodology is at the bottom of the article:

      Methodology is at the bottom of the article:

      Media Matters searched transcripts in the Kinetiq database for all original programming on Fox News Channel for any of the terms or any variations of the terms “transgender,” “trans,” “transphobe,” “transphobic,” “transphobia,” “sex,” “gender identity,” “biological male,” “biological man,” “biological men,” or “biological boy” within close proximity of any of the terms or any variations of the terms “sport,” “athlete,” “athletic,” “competition,” “scholarship,” “unfair,” “advantage,” “dominate,” or “game” or any of the terms “women’s sports,” “girls’ sports,” “Selina Soule,” “Alanna Smith,” “Chelsea Mitchell,” “Mary Gregory,” “Rachel McKinnon,” “female sports,” “identify as a girl," “sports team for women," “sports teams for girls," “identify as women," “identify as a woman," “identify as girl,” or “identify as girls” from January 1, 2019, through March 31, 2021.

      We conducted a similar search of transcripts in the Nexis database for Fox News Channel for all of the above terms during the same time period; however, this search was limited to 5 p.m. to midnight each day, as transcripts for Fox’s daytime programming are not available in Nexis.

      We also searched transcripts in the SnapStream database for all original programming on Fox News Channel for any of the terms or any variations of the terms from January 1 through March 31, 2021.

      We defined segments as instances when trans issues were the stated topic of discussion or when there was significant discussion of trans issues. We defined “significant discussion” as any back-and-forth exchange between two or more people. We included passing mentions that mentioned trans issues as a separate measure in the analysis. We did not include previews or teasers of upcoming segments.

      7 votes