17 votes

Fascinating publication by and for hikikomori (Japanese language)


  1. cfabbro
    Stumbled upon this interesting one in English: How I Became a Hikikomori - Memoirs of a Hikikomori in Ukraine, Dmytro H. Chapter 1 Attempt to Escape From the Occupied City - Memoirs of Ukrainian...
    9 votes
  2. [2]
    The hikikomori are an interesting Japanese (mostly) social phenomenon of people who retreat from life and no longer do anything but eat, sleep, and sometimes play video games, typically relying on...

    The hikikomori are an interesting Japanese (mostly) social phenomenon of people who retreat from life and no longer do anything but eat, sleep, and sometimes play video games, typically relying on their parents to pay for everything but generally not speaking or interacting with them either.

    This site is stories by and for current and former hikikomori. It's a bizarre look into a perspective that is rarely accessible to the outside world. Japanese language site, but automatic translation tools do a pretty good job here -- there's very little difficult or technical language.

    7 votes