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    1. I am sick of "providing feedback"

      The ongoing attempts to measure everything has gone way too far. Every app constantly has pop-ups asking if you're enjoying the app. It's not just phone apps and websites though, it's everywhere....

      The ongoing attempts to measure everything has gone way too far. Every app constantly has pop-ups asking if you're enjoying the app.

      It's not just phone apps and websites though, it's everywhere.

      Went to an escape room, "Y'all take tips?" "No sir, but if you leave a 5 star review on Google or yelp and mention my name then I will get a bonus!"

      Went too the dermatologist, now I'm getting both emails and texts asking for a review.

      Sent flowers to an uncle who lost a pet. Got an email and a letter in the mail asking for feedback.

      Theaters, restaurants, barbers, hospitals, support tickets, waste hauling, clothes shopping... A million people collecting feedback that goes into some black hole probably only used to punish some poor kid on the front line of customer service.

      I'm sick of it, it's worse than the tipping culture fiasco.

      99 votes