6 votes

My childhood in a cult

1 comment

  1. Grzmot
    A nice article. To be honest, the Lyman cult seems rather tame than some others. Doesn't mean that it's good, it's not, but I expected worse. Perhaps the author was just lucky with her experience....

    A nice article. To be honest, the Lyman cult seems rather tame than some others. Doesn't mean that it's good, it's not, but I expected worse. Perhaps the author was just lucky with her experience. I can imagine the girl chosen by the leader had a terrible time, though he at least had the sense of waiting for an appropriate age (removing the child from child rapist, ... yaay /s.)

    It's also interesting how the author's exposure to the outside world was the only thing that kept her from rejoining in the end, showing how important it is to keep an open mind and try an experience as many different things as possible. If she had stayed, she wouldn't have questioned the patriarchal gender roles that the cult had established. Surprisingly enough, everyone had the possibility of leaving, as shown by her mother. Though that's often easier said than done, because cults isolate, and leaving a support network, even an abusive one, is always hard. Especially so if it is your only support network.

    2 votes