9 votes

The next great disruption is hybrid work—thoughts from Microsoft on the future of work


  1. [2]
    They say across the board 40% of workers are looking to quit their jobs this year. I’m sure that’s much higher in Silicon Valley. This is a scary time for employers of tech workers. Without the...

    They say across the board 40% of workers are looking to quit their jobs this year. I’m sure that’s much higher in Silicon Valley. This is a scary time for employers of tech workers.

    Without the pleasant office experience of 2019 I had no reasons left to stay with my old employer. I had no intrinsic motivation to work on their problems after I learned as much as they could teach me. I left for a new job a month ago and many others have done the same.

    For those with mobility “interesting problems to solve” is more important than ever.

    9 votes
    1. Micycle_the_Bichael
      Link Parent
      That’s me right now. Realized I really don’t really care about the industry I work in so I don’t care about our product. Without the super cushy office benefits, it’s been hard for me to want to...

      That’s me right now. Realized I really don’t really care about the industry I work in so I don’t care about our product. Without the super cushy office benefits, it’s been hard for me to want to keep working the same job. I’m casually searching but mostly trying to figure out what it is I’m looking for in the first place.

      8 votes
  2. dedime
    Admittedly, I didn't read the entire thing, but their 7 stated trends ring true to me. #2 (Leaders are out of touch with employees and need a wake-up call) stands out in particular, at least for me:

    Admittedly, I didn't read the entire thing, but their 7 stated trends ring true to me.

    #2 (Leaders are out of touch with employees and need a wake-up call) stands out in particular, at least for me:

    Many business leaders are faring better than their employees. Sixty-one percent of leaders say they are “thriving” right now — 23 percentage points higher than those without decision-making authority. They also report building stronger relationships with colleagues (+11 percentage points) and leadership (+19 percentage points), earning higher incomes (+17 percentage points), and taking all or more of their allotted vacation days (+12 percentage points).

    4 votes