16 votes

Geert Wilders is coming for the EU – The hard-right politician has at last formed a government after six months of negotiation


  1. [2]
    For the record, the government hasn't been formed yet. Only a vague agreement on policies which honestly doesn't seem stable to me as some of them are difficult to execute. Additionally, it's not...

    For the record, the government hasn't been formed yet. Only a vague agreement on policies which honestly doesn't seem stable to me as some of them are difficult to execute. Additionally, it's not even sure whom will become the PM as Plasterk has dropped over some controversies. But given how this article is a few days old I'll give that a pass. Some of the articles points are correct (such as spending cuts on asylum centres making problems worse), as well.

    Funny enough, having read the coalition agreement I'm not nearly as worried by this coalition as I used to be. If anything I'm more worried about the reactions after it will become clear it's an ungovernable dumpsterfire. It may well embolden some factions on the right more.

    14 votes
    1. X08
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Every time I get reminded of that Flodder Family meme that's circling around, and it feels ever relevant each time news about the ongoing situation pops up. EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/UQ7q9Kq...

      Every time I get reminded of that Flodder Family meme that's circling around, and it feels ever relevant each time news about the ongoing situation pops up.

      EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/UQ7q9Kq

      Here's a link of said image. To the uninitiated, The Flodder family was a comedy hit TV series from the 90s in the Netherlands which heavily caricatured characters living in a neat neighborhood and causes all kinds of mayhem. Taking laws with a grain of salt, being unruly, unhealthy and basically being adult children. It usually had a silver lining at the end.

      6 votes
  2. [2]
    This coalition will pop three weeks after forming. Any coalition with Geert in it has done so. The fact they got to this agreement with the absolute nonsense they've come up with worries me. Not...

    This coalition will pop three weeks after forming. Any coalition with Geert in it has done so.

    The fact they got to this agreement with the absolute nonsense they've come up with worries me. Not because it'll happen, but because there's actually people that think these ideas are good.
    Even if this coalition pops, we'll just get the same people voted back in.

    3 votes
    1. X08
      Link Parent
      It's almost as if what the people voted for isn't part of what a government should do.

      It's almost as if what the people voted for isn't part of what a government should do.