10 votes

Small Soldiers: War for the Necron | Proof of Concept


  1. cfabbro
    (edited )
    Comment from reddit /r/movies post about this video: So it looks like Comadran Studios, the makers of this video, might be IP stealing, indiegogo campaign asset store flippers, and also...

    Comment from reddit /r/movies post about this video:

    Was excited til looking at the posts about how scummy the 'studio' is. Ugh.


    So it looks like Comadran Studios, the makers of this video, might be IP stealing, indiegogo campaign asset store flippers, and also cryptocurrency/NFT scammers. That sucks if true, because this video was badass, so I genuinely got excited for the project, and went looking for more info (which is how I stumbled on that reddit post). :(

    5 votes
  2. Inanimate
    Looks really impressive! I would have sworn this was stop motion for quite a ways into the video before I realized it was CGI. And then learning the whole thing was in Unreal Engine was a shock!...

    Looks really impressive! I would have sworn this was stop motion for quite a ways into the video before I realized it was CGI. And then learning the whole thing was in Unreal Engine was a shock!

    Small Soldiers was a favorite of my childhood, and I loved the twist, especially as a kid who eas fond of monsters and ghouls and the like already. The new sides are designed to be even more ambiguous it seems, not just visually but also in terms of their toyline backstories.

    Any idea as to whether this is a trailer for a film or a game? I couldn’t find any details from the designers or studio in the comments (though quite a few of them did comment). Either way I’m excited though! And I hope there’ll be real toys!!

    3 votes