9 votes

Tab Murphy, Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Gorillas in the Mist, Tarzan, and more, answers your questions


  1. [2]
    She won't brag about it herself, but yes, this is Victoria Taylor (/u/chooter) that many of you know from her years of excellent AMAs on reddit. She joined Cake fairly recently, where she's...

    She won't brag about it herself, but yes, this is Victoria Taylor (/u/chooter) that many of you know from her years of excellent AMAs on reddit. She joined Cake fairly recently, where she's regularly running "Panels" like this one with interesting people.

    Cake's another fairly new social-media-ish site with a focus on content quite different from Tildes—overall it's much more "visual content"-oriented. Panels are their Q&A format, which they're doing some really interesting things with. AMAs on reddit were always messy and intimidating because they were just being done through the same reddit mechanics as everything else, and that worked well in some ways but terribly in others. I think it's neat to see a platform trying to specifically build around and improve on that format, and even more so with Victoria heavily involved, because she probably knows the format better than anyone.

    6 votes
  2. Victoria
    I have fond memories of ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE being released back in the day when I worked at the video store, and now screenwriter Tab Murphy is going to be doing an interview on Cake with...

    I have fond memories of ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE being released back in the day when I worked at the video store, and now screenwriter Tab Murphy is going to be doing an interview on Cake with yours truly and anyone who wants to ask a question! He'll be stopping by throughout the weekend, so I hope you enjoy.

    4 votes
  3. [4]
    I understand this panel doesn't start until Friday, but this is the first time I been to cake.co and so am somewhat confused by it... is there no way to see the questions that have been asked so...

    I understand this panel doesn't start until Friday, but this is the first time I been to cake.co and so am somewhat confused by it... is there no way to see the questions that have been asked so far or will they not appear until Friday as well?

    p.s. Hi chooter, I loved your work on reddit's AMAs, so this new gig you got going is exciting to see! :)

    3 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Hello friend! Tab is still taking questions on his Cake panel, btw, so please feel free to ask more, he's enjoyed answering fan questions so much that he left them open. The Q&A feature I built...

      Hello friend! Tab is still taking questions on his Cake panel, btw, so please feel free to ask more, he's enjoyed answering fan questions so much that he left them open. The Q&A feature I built out (previously Cake Panels were invited-participant only) so that the public could ask questions. They funnel into a back queue where once they're answered they get published.

      3 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Ah cool, that's a nice feature so the Q&A can keep going over time if the person is willing. Especially since one of the not so great things about AMAs on reddit is how short-lived they tend to...

        he's enjoyed answering fan questions so much that he left them open... They funnel into a back queue where once they're answered they get published.

        Ah cool, that's a nice feature so the Q&A can keep going over time if the person is willing. Especially since one of the not so great things about AMAs on reddit is how short-lived they tend to be. Some ending after only 30min and very few questions answered... which is a bit lame.

        2 votes
        1. Victoria
          Link Parent
          Yes, it can theoretically go on infinitely, almost like an interactive documentary.

          Yes, it can theoretically go on infinitely, almost like an interactive documentary.

          2 votes
  4. [2]
    What a great Q&A! I didn't see Hunchback as a child (my parents probably decided it was too dark), but Tarzan was an important part of my childhood. It's still one of my favorite movies. I still...

    What a great Q&A! I didn't see Hunchback as a child (my parents probably decided it was too dark), but Tarzan was an important part of my childhood. It's still one of my favorite movies. I still quote it from time to time. ("Are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me.") Reading what Tab has to say about writing those movies was fascinating.

    3 votes
    1. Victoria
      Link Parent
      Agreed. I re-watched TARZAN, ATLANTIS and HUNCHBACK to prepare for this Q&A, so it was super-interesting to crash-course study them and then get to ask questions!

      Agreed. I re-watched TARZAN, ATLANTIS and HUNCHBACK to prepare for this Q&A, so it was super-interesting to crash-course study them and then get to ask questions!

      2 votes
  5. [3]
    Bumping this back up since the panel is live now, with Tab answering a lot of questions (and still actively answering more).

    Bumping this back up since the panel is live now, with Tab answering a lot of questions (and still actively answering more).

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Thanks for reminding me to check it again. And it turns out, he actually answered my question! :) p.s. The "conversation" section with Victoria asking a bunch of questions is a really neat feature...

      Thanks for reminding me to check it again. And it turns out, he actually answered my question! :)

      What are your thoughts on the recent Hollywood trend of live-action remakes of classic animated movies? Do you dread Disney potentially remaking Atlantis, Tarzan or Hunchback as a live-action, or would you actually look forward to seeing someone else's take on your work?

      Good question; complicated answer. I have no problem with remakes in general. I think good stories/films can be remade for an entire new generation, especially if the first attempt was not fully realized due to limited special effects, budget, etc. That being said, I think you have to pick and choose your remake battles. I would not, for instance, see any reason to remake 'The Wizard of Oz' or 'The Godfather' or any number of classic films. Those films are timeless and don't need a new iteration, in my opinion. The interesting thing about the Disney remakes is that they are remaking one format (animation) into another (live-action). I personally have not seen any of the Disney remakes as yet. Not sure I want to. I love animation, especially 2 D animation. The idea of seeing a CGI photo real shot-for-shot version of the Lion King doesn't excite me. The original was a special experience that I'm really not interested in trying to duplicate. I'd much rather live with my fond memories of the original. But I'm sure it's going to be a big hit!

      p.s. The "conversation" section with Victoria asking a bunch of questions is a really neat feature of the format to keep the content flowing, and is well worth checking out too IMO.

      3 votes
      1. Victoria
        Link Parent
        Thank you so much, appreciate you stopping by!

        Thank you so much, appreciate you stopping by!

        1 vote