26 votes

Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet: An analysis of DOIs suggests that digital preservation is not keeping up with burgeoning scholarly knowledge


  1. drannex
    This is why Anna's Archive and Scihub will be regarded as one of the greatest knowledge endeavors of human existence.

    This is why Anna's Archive and Scihub will be regarded as one of the greatest knowledge endeavors of human existence.

    17 votes
  2. HeroesJourneyMadness
    I’ve got a little bit of knowledge about digital archiving of academic research via a bit of a previous job, and there was a glaring lack of names in that article. No mention of even JSTOR- what...

    I’ve got a little bit of knowledge about digital archiving of academic research via a bit of a previous job, and there was a glaring lack of names in that article. No mention of even JSTOR- what used to be the biggest archive.

    I’m wondering if this isn’t a shot across the bow for somebody who isn’t processing a backlog of materials for which they have received funding.

    Just a first thought, and I’ll stop there before I put on my “war on information” tinfoil hat again.

    7 votes
  3. mayonuki
    I don’t know really anything about this but who are the entities taking responsibility for archiving all these DOId papers? Are universities doing this at all? Is archiving really expensive...

    I don’t know really anything about this but who are the entities taking responsibility for archiving all these DOId papers? Are universities doing this at all? Is archiving really expensive considering the cost of producing a study? What is the DOI process and why can’t the authors of all the DOId papers be contacted and requested for uploading to archivist channels?

    3 votes