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  • Showing only topics in ~space with the tag "space stations". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. What are some good books to learn how the International Space Station works?

      There are many interesting videos about the ISS on YouTube, but I have a hard time committing video content to memory, and it is also difficult for me to create a mental picture of how things work...

      There are many interesting videos about the ISS on YouTube, but I have a hard time committing video content to memory, and it is also difficult for me to create a mental picture of how things work in that format.

      So, what are some good books (or maybe long-form articles) about the ISS that can help me understand it both functionally and spatially? Essentially, where everything is, what everything is for, and also how all the procedures actually work. I'm looking for both accessible introductions for the general public and more technical literature (although I am not in STEM, so something meant specifically for engineers might be too much for me).

      The purpose of the request is research for something I am writing. I intend it to be (kinda hard) science fiction, so I wanna be able to comfortably visualize and refer to all the spaces and moving parts with knowledge. I do wanna learn some jargon and what it's for, but I'm not building a space station in my garage :P

      It takes place in current times.

      I'm not against learning more about the history of the ISS, but my focus is really on how it is organized, what every part is meant to accomplish, and how the operations and procedures actually take place there. Including all the rules, methods, and inner works involving human beings, both in relation to the ISS and themselves.

      6 votes
    2. Photographs from ISS not of Earth?

      This random late-night thought that hopefully someone can quickly point me to (my Google-fu is weak tonight). I'd like to see some pictures of space from the ISS that don't include Earth. I live...

      This random late-night thought that hopefully someone can quickly point me to (my Google-fu is weak tonight). I'd like to see some pictures of space from the ISS that don't include Earth. I live in an area that is heavily light polluted so my nightsky view is terrible and I've seen amazing images from other places on Earth that look stunning - I figured a view from the ISS would be even more amazing.

      Some of the ones I've quickly found on google appear to be photoshopped - as I'll find the same scene with only a few stars, another seemingly showing the entire Milky Way and then another plain black highlighting the earth.

      Many Thanks!

      12 votes
    3. Nauka module docks with ISS and performs uncommanded thruster firings, bringing ISS 45 degrees off nominal attitude; crew was never in danger

      @Chris Bergin - NSF: Rob Navias with the NASA TV overview.ISS went 45 degrees out of attitude. SM (automatically reacted) to the issue, and then Progress thrusters were commanded to place the ISS back in the proper attitude.30 mins to the ability for MCC-M to command the safing of the thrusters. pic.twitter.com/5XIiJInVub

      10 votes