12 votes

British F4 race in Zandvoort abandoned after massive start-line crash

This is an absolute clusterfuck. Nobody was injured, which is good.


  1. [3]
    What in tarnation? I'm not familiar with anything related to any F4 series, but according to some redditors, they don't use the typical F1/F2/F3 starting lights procedure. All lights go on, then...

    What in tarnation?

    I'm not familiar with anything related to any F4 series, but according to some redditors, they don't use the typical F1/F2/F3 starting lights procedure. All lights go on, then start is when they all go off at once. So I'm a little surprised that, even though the lights did come back on, that all drivers didn't launch.

    Either way, I imagine there were some questions to Race Control about the lights coming back on at all...

    5 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      What reason could they possibly have to make a different light procedure? That's just idiotic when the whole point is to train young drivers for future advancement.

      What reason could they possibly have to make a different light procedure? That's just idiotic when the whole point is to train young drivers for future advancement.

      3 votes
      1. JCPhoenix
        Link Parent
        Definitely. Especially since... F1 Academy definitely uses the F1 system.

        Definitely. Especially since...

        Five F1 Academy racers — Bianca Bustamante, Jessica Edgar, Aurelia Nobels, Carrie Schreiner, and Abbi Pulling — were lined up to start, along with three additional women racers: Ella Lloyd, Chloe Chong, and Nina Gademan.

        F1 Academy definitely uses the F1 system.

        4 votes