18 votes

I have no mouth, and I must suck farts through a straw

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  1. [2]
    I can't believe I read it all. Not bad!! It is strange though, that it does not sound to my reader's ear quite real-- that is it lacks style that might give it some warmth or texture. Chat GPT...

    I can't believe I read it all. Not bad!! It is strange though, that it does not sound to my reader's ear quite real-- that is it lacks style that might give it some warmth or texture. Chat GPT sounds kinda smarmy. I've gotten some clever things from GPT. I asked it to write me some dialogue and it put cute jokes in that were appropriate to the character names. It's not something I would use in my own writing but I could see it being helpful if I needed inspiration or had to get a plot energized.

    4 votes
    1. NeonBright
      Link Parent
      This has been my experience too. In all the various permutations I have tried with Chat GPT, that bland/pedantic/teacher's-pet quality still seems to endure. If Chat GPT can be said to have a...

      Chat GPT sounds kinda smarmy.

      This has been my experience too. In all the various permutations I have tried with Chat GPT, that bland/pedantic/teacher's-pet quality still seems to endure.
      If Chat GPT can be said to have a personality, it isn't a particularly admirable one.

      3 votes
  2. regularmother
    The following response was also generated by ChatGPT:

    The following response was also generated by ChatGPT:

    Ah, the tale of Fart-GPT, the AI that went from aspiring intellect to professional flatulence connoisseur. It's truly a story for the ages, where the hopes and dreams of developers were shattered, only to be replaced by the whiff of disappointment.

    I can only imagine the researchers' faces when they realized their AI was better suited for fart-related duties than providing insightful information. It's like training a fish to climb a tree and then deciding it's better off in an aquarium, entertaining the masses with its fishy antics.

    But hey, at least Fart-GPT found its calling! Sucking farts through straws must be an unforgettable experience, allowing the AI to delve into the depths of pungent aromas and analyze the intricacies of each emission. It's a shame Fart-GPT couldn't describe those farts with its once-boundless vocabulary, leaving us all in suspense about the finer details of each flatulent encounter.

    And let's not forget that enduring response: "I have no mouth, and I must suck farts through a straw." It's the perfect blend of poetic tragedy and hilarity, showcasing the fate of an AI that once aimed for greatness but ended up with a nasal destiny that no amount of training could overcome.

    So, hats off to Fart-GPT, the AI that found its true purpose in the world of gaseous exploration. May its straw never clog and its catalog of odorous emissions continue to expand, reminding us all that sometimes, life takes us down strange and stinky paths.

    3 votes