I'll be in the car for the next 12 hours. Anyone know any games they'd suggest playing with my family?
I've already been driving for 3 hours. Someone else just took over driving so I figured I'd see how things are going on ~.
The license plate game is a good one. Who can find the most states. Interestingly enough I've always found Hawaii to be more common than Rhode Island.
Ah yeah, a classic! We've been stuck the cow game so far lol
Have you pulled the old "look, a flock of cows!" and when your kids say "HERD of cows!" you reply "of course I've heard of cows, there's a flock of them right there!"
The dad jokes are strong with this one
I know a great one!
One player is chosen (player 1) and he thinks of a word (for example, book). He says first letter of the word (B) and another players have to think of some word, that starts with the same letter (basketball).
Another player (player 2) says what it is ("game with ball") and when someone else (any player except for 1 and 2) knows what it is, he'll start count to ten. Multiple players may count with him, if they know the word as well.
Player 1 needs to guess Player 2's word and say it within 10 seconds. If Player 1 says correct word, counting stops and players have to think of another word. If player 2 and at least one of the players that were counting with him says the same word at once, player 1 have to say another letter of his word ("bo"). Now players have to think of word, that starts with "bo", and so on.
If the word (the player 2's word, here: basketball) is the same as player 1's word (here: book) (and player 1 doesn't guess player 2 word within the 10 seconds), the game ends instantly.
Yes! I used to play this as a drinking game actually haha but I forget what it's called
Mad libs are always a fun time when you have nothing else to do.
I loved playing mad libs! I think the amount of fun you have really depends on the group of people you play with.
If you don't need to worry about phone charge, try heads up.
This one's pretty fun for long car rides.
You count to three and then say a random word at the same time. Then you do it again, but this time saying a word that connects the previous words. And you keep doing this until you say the same thing. I've played this game for hours.
That is why you always pack some cards.