What did you do this week (and weekend)?
As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!
Worked on my new (to me) 24th Scale RC Crawler and track. I ended-up unable to stop myself from buying several upgrades, including a new steering servo, motor, wheels, tires and lighting kit. Thankfully this scale is relatively cheap, so everything cost less than $100, but dramatically increased performance for my car.
When I wasn't upgrading it, I was working on the course in my backyard. I built two bridges out of scrap wood that end-up being fairly challenging obstacles and allowed me to organize my course quite differently, which has been very fun.
Otherwise, this weekend (including today) I need to drive 30-miles to my parents house and install a railing on their garage stairs for them. My Mom is having knee surgery in a couple of weeks and it was recommended that she have a railing for her few steps into her garage, so I want to see if I can get that knocked out today (Friday).
Saturday I need to drop an item off at a friends house and then I have some plans to play a little bit of WoW and run some dungeons with friends and Sunday I want to take my oldest to the hobby shop to try out his own RC Crawler there and later we'll go out for my Brother in Law's birthday; though I'm not looking forward to it, as I think the weather is supposed to be pretty terrible.
I went to NYC for the first time last weekend. Sort of on a whim. And rode the Amtrak Northeast Regional on the NEC for the first time, as well. Loved both. Well, except the train breaking down on the way back home, being stuck for 45min, then when it was fixed, travelling at reduced speeds, getting home 2 hrs late total, and having to make a run for the Metro subways before they closed for the night. Though I suppose it could've been worse! Could've been stuck all night in Delaware!
But New York was awesome! Went to see the Statue of Liberty, 9/11 memorial, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and "The Vessel." Also spent a lot of time just walking around. Think I did 20mi (32.2km) in 2 days. Having lived in Chicago for a bit, and actually being from there (though didn't grow up there), I now understand why Chicago is called the "Second City." I've been to nearly all the major cities of the US. And to me, only Chicago and New York have similar looks and feels. At least on the surface.
Anyway, already thinking about when I can go back. I spent last weekend entirely in Manhattan. Didn't go above Central Park either (didn't even get to half of Central Park; think 72nd Street was as far north as I went). So still a lot more to explore and see. Hopefully next time I go will be warmer.
At least it was an easy week work wise. WFH all week as I was doing a week-long training course. Took the final practical exam today. I imagine I'll at least get a 90/100 on it. Still looking for other jobs though.
I was going to spend this weekend doing some exploration around town, but given that it's the weekend of the inauguration, I think I'm just going to stay away from DC proper. Maybe I'll explore closer to home. Even if I didn't care about politics, so many Metro stations in DC are closed for security purposes. Would rather not have to deal with the transit interruptions.
3-day weekend due to MLK Day (and technically also the inauguration), so I'm gonna enjoy it. With snow days last week, days off last week, and then WFH all week, feels like I haven't exactly left the holidays yet. In the last 3 weeks, I've been to the office twice. Not complaining though!
I finished knitting a sweater only to find it's a size too small. It's taken me a month to create.
I am heartbroken but I shall prevail. My hope is to just sell it somehow and recoup material costs at least.