5 votes

What did you do this week?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. acdw
    Worked, looked for an e-bike, installed emacs, was a bit depressed, played DnD yesterday evening.

    Worked, looked for an e-bike, installed emacs, was a bit depressed, played DnD yesterday evening.

    3 votes
  2. m15o
    Most of my time these days is juggling between my current work and my side project - I wish I could spend more time to literally go out and do things besides, but I'm way too passionate these...

    Most of my time these days is juggling between my current work and my side project - I wish I could spend more time to literally go out and do things besides, but I'm way too passionate these days. I've also started the tome 2 of Akira, and played a good deal with PICO-8.

    2 votes
  3. jcdl
    I sold and moved two big fish tanks to a friend. Aquariums are lovely, but they’re a ton of work when you have to clean them out or move them. My back is pretty sore still. I sold some of my nicer...

    I sold and moved two big fish tanks to a friend. Aquariums are lovely, but they’re a ton of work when you have to clean them out or move them. My back is pretty sore still. I sold some of my nicer fish to a local mom and pop pet store in town that hasn’t been able to get many shipments in lately. It’s nice to be able to barter and trade like that; not something you can do with the big box stores like Big Al’s or PetSmart.

    It’s kind of funny in a way. Getting rid of the tanks I was getting bored of totally renewed my interest in my smaller shrimp tank that had been slightly neglected. And now I’m thinking of doing discus in another.

    2 votes
  4. mftrhu
    I have been holed inside for the whole week, except for the evening of Tuesday. Luckily I had nothing to do outside, because we got hit by a heat wave, and we got it hard: it's 21:30 and my...

    I have been holed inside for the whole week, except for the evening of Tuesday. Luckily I had nothing to do outside, because we got hit by a heat wave, and we got it hard: it's 21:30 and my temperature sensor outside still reports 32.7°C, after getting up to 35-36°C in the late afternoon.

    I actually thought my AC was somehow broken, as I left it on the whole day yesterday and still had 28°C indoors, but nope. It's just undersized. Cleaning the filters helped a tiny bit, but maintaining a 10°C temperature differential over 35 m^2 is just not something that it was built to do.

    As my ideal temperature in summer would be 25°C, I have not been sleeping right, and as I was also tweaking my sleep medications I have just been perma-groggy the whole week.

    2 votes