9 votes

An analysis of what crypto has now become by David S. H. Rosenthal, one of the original developers of PoW


  1. skybrian
    This is a decent introduction to the many arguments against cryptocurrency. It's mostly not new, but he includes lots of references for further reading, which might be useful. I believe the...

    This is a decent introduction to the many arguments against cryptocurrency. It's mostly not new, but he includes lots of references for further reading, which might be useful. I believe the general gist of it is more-or-less true. But some arguments seem simplified and a bit overplayed, leaving out details that let some people argue that cryptocurrency might be fixable.

    For example, one bad argument is to point at several bad implementations of a thing and say that therefore the idea is inherently flawed, when it might be that a good-enough implementation hasn't happened yet. Proving implementations to be flawed is easy. Proving ideas to be inherently flawed isn't!

    It's true that if you don't see good implementations out there, the outside view is that they probably won't happen any time soon. That's the way to bet. It doesn't entirely rule out progress, though.

    5 votes
  2. Merry
    Noise: If someone comes up with a better title for this, feel free to change it. No hard feelings here!

    Noise: If someone comes up with a better title for this, feel free to change it. No hard feelings here!