15 votes

OnlyFans vows it's a safe space. Predators are exploiting kids there.

1 comment

  1. Tmbreen
    Curious to see others opinions. Honestly, I feel like this article is gunning for Onlyfans the whole time, but while it pulls out disgusting instances of child sexual abuse, fails to paint the...

    Curious to see others opinions. Honestly, I feel like this article is gunning for Onlyfans the whole time, but while it pulls out disgusting instances of child sexual abuse, fails to paint the picture that the site is fairly a huge number of people or has inadequate fail-safes to catch a majority of criminal acts.

    It also mentions in a throw away that Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat where used in several of the stories to solicit minors, but fails to actually address why the other sites failed to catch or report the criminal acts on them.

    In all, I feel like this is kinda just attacking OnlyFans cause sex workers are always an easy target, and not talking about the fact that child pornography is still a huge issue with the Internet as a whole, and does massive damage to the lives of many, both the initial victims and the less damaging, but still horrifying job of reviewing flagged content for criminal acts. I've heard horror stories about Facebooks review teams, and am grateful for the horrible work they have to do, even if it still barely puts a dent in the huge amount of terrible videos on the website.

    24 votes