46 votes

The US DOJ files an antitrust suit against a software company for allegedly manipulating rent prices


  1. [2]
    I liked Linus’ (from LTT) take on this. If a human had access to all this information and was advising various renters about pricing, that would absolutely be price fixing. Companies can’t launder...

    I liked Linus’ (from LTT) take on this. If a human had access to all this information and was advising various renters about pricing, that would absolutely be price fixing. Companies can’t launder price fixing decisions to a third party and have it not be illegal. This is an algorithm instead of a person, but that doesn’t functionally change anything. Hold the algorithm responsible for illegal actions, the company responsible for having an employee use illegal information, and landlords responsible for using a third party to collude and price fix.

    19 votes
    1. bl4kers
      Link Parent
      Traditionally the term algorithm refers to a specific process that a human could do with paper and pencil. So like you said, the fact that a computer is doing it is really just a change in tooling

      Traditionally the term algorithm refers to a specific process that a human could do with paper and pencil. So like you said, the fact that a computer is doing it is really just a change in tooling

      10 votes
  2. BusAlderaan
    I'm very curious how this plays out, since it seems plain on it's face that this is price fixing, regardless of using some algorithmic middleman to do all the math, but obviously this is some new...

    I'm very curious how this plays out, since it seems plain on it's face that this is price fixing, regardless of using some algorithmic middleman to do all the math, but obviously this is some new legal precedent and I'm not encouraged by many recent decisions handed down by the federal courts.

    9 votes
  3. Englerdy
    Not much to add other than it's about time. It's pretty upsetting to see how YieldStar is pitched to customers because the executives are basically pitched an automated cartel. And while I can't...

    Not much to add other than it's about time. It's pretty upsetting to see how YieldStar is pitched to customers because the executives are basically pitched an automated cartel. And while I can't 100% say I blame the customers for using the product if they're looking around and seeing their peers use it, but jt doesn't do much service to combat their growing image of being parasitic to the housing market. Like bragging that your constantly straining your tenants finances is not a good look y'all. Fingers crossed the DOJ builds an air tight case and sets precedent that shuts down this kind of product in any industry.

    8 votes