26 votes

NY Times Tech Guild: We are celebrating Labor Day by announcing that a supermajority of our over-600 person union signed a pledge of support for a strike

1 comment

  1. smores
    This is pretty incredible, I think. I haven’t been involved in organizing for the NYT Tech Guild since I left the Times early last year, but I’m so proud of the work they’ve done. Management has...

    This is pretty incredible, I think. I haven’t been involved in organizing for the NYT Tech Guild since I left the Times early last year, but I’m so proud of the work they’ve done. Management has fought them tooth and nail over even the most basic contract language, and in response to their endless stalling, the union has amassed an incredible amount of support (on a public pledge!) for a strike. Given that this is one of the only tech unions in the country, and I believe still the largest by quite a lot, I think this is really noteworthy!

    14 votes