15 votes

Asking the wrong questions (2017)


  1. [2]
    I really liked this article -- but I will say, his line about how we no longer have trolleys saddened me. You no longer have trolleys, but you totally could have them again! Tram networks are...

    I really liked this article -- but I will say, his line about how we no longer have trolleys saddened me. You no longer have trolleys, but you totally could have them again! Tram networks are amazing (and widespread in Europe)! They are not in the same realm as a personal flying machine!

    3 votes
    1. skybrian
      Link Parent
      Yeah, that line seems like thoughtless nostalgia. Several US cities have streetcar lines and there are also hang gliders, so they’re both things many people could experience if they wanted to....

      Yeah, that line seems like thoughtless nostalgia. Several US cities have streetcar lines and there are also hang gliders, so they’re both things many people could experience if they wanted to.

      Also, hang gliders actually work, and there are safer alternatives for thrill-seekers.

      1 vote